Mangudai -> RE: Lots of questions and newbie issues: (9/25/2007 10:43:36 PM)
ORIGINAL: Sardonic quote:
ORIGINAL: Mangudai Thanks for the reply. Regarding shipping, part of my problem is i havent figured out which ships to use for which functions. CSA starts with several ships with little transport capacity... maybe these are war ships. Are some units better in shipping lanes and some in blockade box? So you do want to visit islands with lots of boxes. Then what? Can your ships camp there, or do they need to transit back and forth to your home ports? I'm still confused about grouping. Suppose I have a 1star general and two brigades as an independent force. Does it matter how they are grouped? Asfar as I can tell, only Brigs will bring you goodies, and only in the gulf box I have tried putting transports in there, and I got nada. If you are industrious, you can load a Confed force onto transports and go take the union ports. That will greatly slow him down., till he takes them back. The problem is that the best place to recover cohesion, for the Gulf area is the two union ports. Make sure you use your raiders wisely. A force composition doesnt matter as long as command points are not exceeded. The whole purpose of divisions and corps is to assist in not exceeding. I use two frigates and two brigs under Semmes to raid. put the force on evade. Only union frigates have a reasonable chance of catching Semmes. Ok so brigs in the blockade boxes give money to the CSA, and the CSA gets no money from any other sea zone. The USA only gets money in from the Shipping lanes. Only with brigs? or transports too? Shipping lanes are also for ocean supply network. And, the islands are just friendly ports for the CSA. Did I get that right? It appears in play that an independent division is better than a 1* and a stack of troops arranged horizontally, although both have some command penalty. However there is a weird feature that I don't understand. Any general can be combined with one regular unit who will appear above the unit panel. You don't need a division to do this. It only works with one unit if you're not a division, and I don't see a change in command points. You can also do this with a corp commander. What's up with this?