Local Yokel -> RE: Hyuga and Ise Air groups (10/3/2007 8:50:07 PM)
I assume the D4Y is present in all mods as well as stock, since it was the replacement for the Aichi D3A (Type 99 carrier bomber). I did a quick check with the database editor and can't see any E16A's, either in stock or CHS, so you may be out of luck there. Don't know what the game will permit you to embark. Perhaps only floatplanes. In which case the E13A may be your best bet. Alternatively (depending on the mod you're playing) you might consider the M6A Seiran - certainly available in CHS in Sept '44. I have a nagging idea that the Seiran was actually considered for use on the CVX conversions; no doubt someone more knowedgeable than I can confirm or refute that.