8-man league punts???? (Full Version)

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pdozer63 -> 8-man league punts???? (10/4/2007 10:29:08 PM)

I tried to create a new 8 man league but I get stuck in a loop. A- i try to create a team and i select the 8man.pbk playbook, but it says that there is no punt play in the playbook, so it wont let me save the team. When I open the playbook in the PDS, it wont let me create a punt play because I do not have a team to load into the PDS, is there an updated playbook or a punt play I can add to the playbook?[&:]

Frido1207 -> RE: 8-man league punts???? (10/5/2007 12:27:55 AM)

Here is a punt play:

pdozer63 -> RE: 8-man league punts???? (10/5/2007 11:01:13 PM)

Many thanks!

garysorrell -> RE: 8-man league punts???? (10/6/2007 12:01:43 AM)

If you dump that zip into your plays folder, you should then be able to add both a punt and punt return play to any 8-man playbook

Be careful though, once you add it to a playbook, I dont think it can be removed. The game considers it a necessary or required play so it wont let you just delete it. So if you add it to a playbook, that playbook is now set up to punt, like it or not.

Marauders -> RE: 8-man league punts???? (10/6/2007 3:44:16 AM)

I used to just use live kicks for punts with 8-man on a larger field.

I have not tried that lately, but having live kicks made the punt a moot play.

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