Hornet Leader After Action Report #2 (Full Version)

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Erik Rutins -> Hornet Leader After Action Report #2 (10/5/2007 4:56:29 PM)

You can see it here at The Wargamer, this follows directly from Part 1:


cdbeck -> RE: Hornet Leader After Action Report #2 (10/5/2007 6:32:18 PM)

Interesting write up. I might have missed this, but what do the numbers mean on the enemy units (i.e. 2-6-9)?

Also, how does one visually tell altitude?


Erik Rutins -> RE: Hornet Leader After Action Report #2 (10/5/2007 7:49:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: Son_of_Montfort
Interesting write up. I might have missed this, but what do the numbers mean on the enemy units (i.e. 2-6-9)?

When the enemy fires at you, they "roll a d10". That roll can be modified, but let's say it's not and use that 2-6-9 as an example. If they roll a 1, there's no effect. A 2-5 means it was a near miss, your pilot and plane are fine, but the pilot gains 1 Stress. A 6-8 means the plane was damaged, the pilot gains 2 Stress and all ordnance is jettisoned/unusable. A 9 or 10 means your plane and pilot are shot down (and there's a separate SAR check to see what happens to him).

To add to this, you see a number right under that, which is a modifier to indicate how easy the enemy is to target. A +1 modifier means an enemy plane gives your pilots a +1 on their rolls to shoot it down. There's a number in between the altitude indicators as well, which shows the range in regions of the enemy unit's weapon systems. 0 is the same region, 1 is one region and newer jets like the MiG-25 and MiG-29 will have a range of 2. In comparison a Sidewinder has a Range of 1, a Sparrow 2 and an AMRAAM 3.


Also, how does one visually tell altitude?

A red up arrow signifies high altitude and a green down arrow signifies low altitude. Some SAM systems can only engage in one or the other range band, similarly some ordnance can only be dropped/launched at high or low altitude.


- Erik

cdbeck -> RE: Hornet Leader After Action Report #2 (10/6/2007 11:04:59 PM)

Excellent! Thanks Erik!

Marc gto -> RE: Hornet Leader After Action Report #2 (10/18/2007 10:16:43 PM)

looks like fun

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