Nihl18 -> RE: Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far Update Please (12/13/2008 10:12:12 PM)
Without a doubt close combat 2 had one of the best, even one of the most advanced campaign systems of them all. every different sector had you commanding different troops, not the same battlegroup that follows you everywhere you go. Blowing up a bridge caused severe delays for the allies in getting supplies and armored reinforcements to the isolated paratroopers that desperately needed relief. then you had to decide where to allocate your maximum supply to (only 1 sector for most supplies, as I remember). Then there was the ai. Sure later close combat games had it evolved , and had improved pathfinding for tanks and stuff , but there was nothing like the desperation of the clock ticking away so you could blow that bridge before the enemy ai paratroopers literally pushed through your meagre 2nd line defending force of reservists guarding that bridge ("boys and old men", as told in a bridge too far). The Allied side ai had one thing in mind , literally push on through to the bridge/s despite whatever opposition in its way. I really hope someone can revive close combat 2 to be able to be played on XP/vista