firepowerjohan -> RE: U-boats ... (10/16/2007 12:34:23 PM)
Thre is one very important aspect about the subs, you have to pick a location where it is likley not many Allied ships will reach you on one turn near edges of map. If you have 4-5 subs and say strike a convoy in a distant place there is often only 1-2 ships that can reach you and you can attack with some Subs and keep some subs hidden next to them so when the Allies comes in they will be running into surprise attack. Sure, you get some losses but since attacker fires first you will get much whack out of Subs. For example Sub strength 10 hidden Allied DD strenth 10 DD comes in, move on Sub hex gets surprise attacked. Sub fires, damage the DD down to 6. DD will then fire back with strenth 6 and also reduced efficiency so having many subs and keep them protecting each other is beneficial. There are 3 edges on map, NW corner, W edge and South edge westy of Africa. Due to this fact, Allies are spread out on 3 locations while you can use all your Subs in one large pack, use it to your adfvantage. If you ar using 2 subs between New Foundland and England in the centre of the map making 2 attacks on Convoy you are saking for trouble because often 3-5 Allied ships witll be within reach. Subs are tricky to learn and with a reduced cost for them and some experience you can make them pay off Their max damage is 13 and they Cost 70 but also rememebr that they will infclit on enemy as well so it is 13+cost for enemy to repair if you are that unlucky your Sub gets sunk right away. If Allies are in Mediterranean with their ships, even easier to find locations for your Sub packs where sometimes Allies cannot even counter with risk of being sunk themselves. If Subs will cost 60 in next patch then a 13 payoff per turn is quite much though [:)] Also considering making BB and Strat.Bomber -5 cheaper