Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (Full Version)

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herwin -> Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (10/14/2007 9:51:59 AM)

What cues do people use to do this?

bradfordkay -> RE: Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (10/14/2007 10:53:30 AM)

Well, I've tried chicken bones, tarot cards and crystal balls but no method has as of yet proved to be very useful...

Gibbons -> RE: Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (10/14/2007 12:59:32 PM)

Yes, chicken bones also.

One clue would be where to most ships or TFs spend alot of time at.

herwin -> RE: Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (10/14/2007 2:22:20 PM)



Yes, chicken bones also.

One clue would be where to most ships or TFs spend alot of time at.

Yes, but my real interest is the supply state of his LCUs.

trollelite -> RE: Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (10/14/2007 3:26:35 PM)

If his supply situation is critical, his bombardment would be as effective as it should be.  You could also launch deliberate attack and see the adjustment of combat value.

tsimmonds -> RE: Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (10/14/2007 5:12:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: herwin

What cues do people use to do this?

Poke it with a stick.[;)]


You could also launch deliberate attack and see the adjustment of combat value.

This is really the only way to know.

niceguy2005 -> RE: Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (10/14/2007 5:59:46 PM)

If you have flown air missions before I find flak to be a reasonable clue.  All things equal, meaning if he hasn't moved units in and out of the hex in question, flak seem to be less intense of supplies are low.

RUPD3658 -> RE: Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (10/15/2007 6:10:14 AM)

Niceguy's method works well. You can also see if the change in the number of defending troops during bombardments coresponds to the losses inflicted. If they are significantly greater, units are starving.

saj42 -> RE: Q: Assessing the Opponent's Supply State (10/15/2007 3:12:05 PM)

1. If airfield/port damage is being repaired then base has engineers and supply; if repair stops then either no supply or no engineers left.

2. If oil/resource damage is being repaired then more than 10k supply is present. If no repair then either <10k supply or repair turned OFF

3. Attack with one LCU to see if defenders AV is 1/4 on combat summary screen. not foolproof as too many other random factors.

At the end of the day I'd stick with the chicken bone method [:D]

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