jureidinim -> Underground targets (10/18/2007 6:06:47 AM)
K.. just a confirmation needed here - and I'm really sorry i didn't get a screen shot. Playing Libya Conflict. Target is an underground bunker (site). Special is that there is a penalty of -1 to all AtG rolls on the target. I had rockeyes loaded with the heavier bombs - but only for the SAMs. I know the rockeyes will do 0 damage to the target regardless of roll because they can only do 1 pt of damage max - and the penalty in place would reduce that to zero. However - this was also happening for the SAMs in the target area - i couldn't destroy them with the rockeyes no matter how high i rolled. Was this intended? Was that -1 penalty for ALL targets in the target area? I only read it to mean the actual target itself. If its for all, then no worries - i guess i misread it. If not.. well.. bug? [;)]