Skeleton -> RE: Fence sitter (10/21/2007 11:33:47 PM)
No, nothing contagious. It is more a reflection of my personality and disposition, sadly enough! Thank you all for making my decision that much easier, I am going to break down and get it. I love the idea of having both levels playable, very unique and much needed. CoG, just left me feeling lost, for lack of a better term. The economic aspect of that game did nothing for me. I also like the idea of having a choice in complexity, not being overwhelmed and frustrated. What are turns lengths, a week, a month, two weeks? How is naval combat handled? How is the A.I.? Sorry for piling more on, but with so many great games out and coming out, I just want to be sure. For what it is worth, as I said, I love AGEOD's AACW (even with the slight bit of frustration with the combat), love Guns of August, love TOAW (though the lack of a decent A.I. for the big scenarios is a downer) and love/hate WiTP.