maybe the time has come? (Full Version)

All Forums >> [New Releases from Matrix Games] >> Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815


thx1138 -> maybe the time has come? (10/21/2007 6:43:56 PM)

I was this week at the Essen toy fair and ina corner of the big exibition hall there was the little stand of the ADG. In one table there was a lap top with the demo of EiA!!!! i played a little and i asked one of the guy in the booth when it will be ready. He told me that the demo will be out in two weeks!!!

that all i know


timewalker03 -> RE: maybe the time has come? (10/21/2007 8:30:53 PM)

cool. 5 years for a demo. now that's capitalism.!!!!!!

stephenhamley -> RE: maybe the time has come? (10/21/2007 11:46:54 PM)

good stuff

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