J T -> Two questions on .wav files (9/12/2000 1:20:00 AM)
From reading below it seems that I am not the only one who is missing .wav files after upgrading from 2.3 to 4....I have 113 wav files and apparently there should be 500+....It seems that most of the missing sounds are small arms fire....Any chance of getting a zip of the .wav files?.......2nd question on .wav files - I noticed that in both 2.3 and 4.0 there are triple copies of many of the sounds in the directory (eg.- 360,361, and 362 are the same sound/file size...357,358,359 are the same etc.)...Can doubles and triples be deleted?.
...Fabulous job otherwise - Love being able to go back to the map once a battle is over....Congrats to the matrix team.../Jim