BaseballNoob -> Possibly Corrupt Data (10/23/2007 11:39:46 PM)
During one game, late in the game, one of my players clobbered a line drive straight to center field. However, I never saw the result, as it seemed to cause my whole system to reboot. When I went back in, I had to start the game over, but I think somewhere it stored some of the game in process. I feel this because now when I manage a game the data on the lineup card matches the data on the player card, but it does not match the data displayed next to the player's photo at the bottom of the screen. The players were played in that crashed game are showing different batting averages next to their faces, and I know for a fact that one player that hit a home run in the crashed game is showing that extra home run in his totals when he comes up to bat, but it isn't reflected anywhere else. Is there any way to get this data displayed during batting back in sync with the database?