Community website scenario's (Full Version)

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Banquet -> Community website scenario's (10/26/2007 8:07:33 PM)


I've just bought Advanced Tactics and am really looking forward to playing it as it sounds great! While I was waiting for the download I followed the link to the community website and notice there are 8 scenario's up for download that seem to have been there some time. Can someone confirm these are ready to go with Advanced Tactics (rather than People's Tactics)

The scenario's sound really interesting and it's great if they're ready.. but I wanted to check as they've been there a few months and the game only just got released.


Erik Rutins -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/26/2007 8:25:57 PM)

They should work fine, as far as I know.

Banquet -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/26/2007 8:27:01 PM)

Brilliant, thanks Erik

tweber -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/26/2007 9:32:54 PM)

The scenarios have been up for a long time since we have been developing this for a while ; )

Southpaw Samurai -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/26/2007 9:39:38 PM)

One thing I noticed that seems common on these scenarios (which seem to work fine... haven't put more than a few turns in any yet... was mainly curious about the extent some have changed the graphics, etc) is that when you click on a unit for details, its image only shows the upper left corner of the unit image (whereas the default scenarios show the full image).

As I haven't played with completely modifying a scenario with new graphics yet, is this simply an issue of a change in the way the game engine displays the unit picture from whatever development version these were created under and the fine production one or is this a potential issue anyone making custom art for is going to have to work around or otherwise deal with?

TheHellPatrol -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/27/2007 11:25:25 PM)

The "Tolkienesque" scenario is very reminiscent of my fave Warlords series of games...very cool[8D]. The ACW looks great as well, this is indeed a flexible engine and i look forward to what lies ahead.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 12:04:38 AM)

Yeah, I strongly recommend that everyone who owns AT register and sign in at the community website. Try out all the extra scenarios there for maximum entertainment! [8D]

Awac835 -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 12:45:48 AM)

Dont forget the ladder [:D]

McGlu -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 1:54:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: Southpaw Samurai

One thing I noticed that seems common on these scenarios (which seem to work fine... haven't put more than a few turns in any yet... was mainly curious about the extent some have changed the graphics, etc) is that when you click on a unit for details, its image only shows the upper left corner of the unit image (whereas the default scenarios show the full image).

Yeah, I noticed that as well. Is there a fix planned for this, Vic? The artwork looks very nice, and I'd really like to see the larger version in it's entirety in the detail screen.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 2:33:27 AM)

Yes, as far as I know a fix is planned for that.

TheHellPatrol -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 2:42:53 AM)

I would love to see more Fantasy battles, i can't stop playing the Tolkienesque scenario[&o]. Of course as it is you have a much wider array of choices/strategies and a modern era game will expand on that. This game would be awesome for Starship Troopers, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and anything else within someone's imagination[8D]. The future is very bright for this little gem[:)].

Erik Rutins -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 3:08:05 AM)

I agree, Elliott. I was thinking of redoing one of my Warlords II Deluxe scenarios once I saw what the editor could do.

TheHellPatrol -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 3:27:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

I agree, Elliott. I was thinking of redoing one of my Warlords II Deluxe scenarios once I saw what the editor could do.

[X(]If you do please share it with us[&o][&o][8D].

Kipper -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 3:29:27 AM)

I hope Vic didn't make it too flexible - it would be nice to get a him a nice stream of ongoing cash out of this classic with scenario packs, mods, major upgrades, etc.;-)

I think I easily have $40 worth of gaming already compared to purchases of recent years and am into pure gaming profit(!), so I have no problem making the odd payment to keep this guy and his helpers in the gaming business!

Kipper -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 3:42:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: TheHellPatrol
I would love to see more Fantasy battles, i can't stop playing the Tolkienesque scenario[&o].

Actually your post has really made me think. I have been having a great time with the operationally authentic North Africa 41. And yet you're having fun with the fanasy scenario. Hard to appreciate that we're talking about the same game isn't it? Talk about flexibility!

TheHellPatrol -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 4:12:18 AM)



Actually your post has really made me think. I have been having a great time with the operationally authentic North Africa 41. And yet you're having fun with the fanasy scenario. Hard to appreciate that we're talking about the same game isn't it? Talk about flexibility!

Especially considering the fantasy scenario wasn't even part of the release, the AI is smoking far. It's like a cake made out of all frosting...always a good piece[:D].

freeboy -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 6:45:28 AM)

oh joy[:D]

cdbeck -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 6:50:13 PM)

Try Tweber's Great War scenario as well... I loaded it up and immediately was struck with how well done it was.

Erik... MAKE THAT MOD! I want to see what one of the Matrix Gods can do! [;)]

Once I figure out the editor, I am planning on doing a group of scenarios set in the Emperor of the Fading Suns universe. The first scenario I have planned is a "recapture your homeworld from the rebels" (which is always what you had to do first in the original EotFS). Then maybe an invasion scenario and finally a scenario agaubst the Symbiots or Vau. I have the original tech tree and unit list that shipped with the game, so that shouldn't be a problem. If anyone knows where I can get some art assets, for unit graphics, that would be great. I have the original CD and a Home of the Underdogs version on my HD right now, but I am not sure that I can extract the unit graphics from there.

I think, with the research and economy aspects of AT, it would be perfect to redo (on a smaller scale) the research and economy of EotFS. I haven't yet figured out how I might do space scenarios (but, to be fair, space battles were only secondary in EotFS).


Erik Rutins -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 7:00:06 PM)

Seems to me that space could just be a different version of "oceans" as it has been in many space strategy games, with planets as islands. Have you seen that scenario in the latest Civ expansion that converted Civ into a Master of Orion-type game?

Awac835 -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 7:08:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHellPatrol

I would love to see more Fantasy battles, i can't stop playing the Tolkienesque scenario[&o]. Of course as it is you have a much wider array of choices/strategies and a modern era game will expand on that. This game would be awesome for Starship Troopers, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and anything else within someone's imagination[8D]. The future is very bright for this little gem[:)].

I wouldnt mind a Warhammer 40k mod [:D]

Mightfox -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 7:33:42 PM)

Hm..perhaps a star trek mod could even be made.

RViener -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 9:53:27 PM)

AOL is my ISP and forsome reason I cannot download the scenarios. Could someone please email me the tolkienesque scenario.
Thanks in advance,

Banquet -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 10:02:15 PM)

I think I've attached it to a PM. I have trouble getting into the site myself at times.

cdbeck -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 10:24:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins

Seems to me that space could just be a different version of "oceans" as it has been in many space strategy games, with planets as islands. Have you seen that scenario in the latest Civ expansion that converted Civ into a Master of Orion-type game?

I have the Civ expansion, so I see where you are going with this. The problem would in trying to model the mostly ground based combat of EotFS with space transport to take troops from planet to planet. I guess you could make a huge map with "islands" in space to be planets. Kinda lame, I would think.

That is why I thought about story driven scenarios, each "set-piece" battles of a larger campaign. The first would be home planet pacification, next could be invasion of rival, next would be defense from aliens... all in a final bid to become emperor.

Warhammer 40K would be good in theory, but units rely so much on special abilities to demarcate them in that game, it might be a bit "bland." I wish someone would update Rites of War, which I liked very much.

Now a Dune - Battle for Arrakis scenario... that has HUGE potential. Need to brush up some desert squares with red to denote spice fields... [;)] Would feel great to have 50 Sardaukar collide against 100 Fremen warriors to see who wins! You could research "Wierding Modules" and produce Feydakin... it would be spectacular!


Matto -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 10:39:09 PM)

Hi,I tested really good looking scenario Great War ... tryed start like A-H, all others was set to AI ... and game crashed:It is classical "Not reference set to object" ... sorry for my Czech Windows [8D]
It crashed during AI routinne during first turn (German AI was ok) ...  ************** Text výjimky **************
System.NullReferenceException: Odkaz na objekt není nastaven na instanci objektu.
  v WindowsApplication1.AIClass.ExecChangeHQ()
  v WindowsApplication1.AIClass.ExecuteAI()
  v WindowsApplication1.GameLoopMainWindowClass.handleTimer()
  v WindowsApplication1.ScreenClass.HandleTimer()
  v WindowsApplication1.Form1.Timer1_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  v System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
  v System.Windows.Forms.Timer.TimerNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
  v System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) 
************** Načtená sestavení **************
   Verze sestavení:
   Verze Win32: 2.0.50727.832 (QFE.050727-8300)
   Základ kódu: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
   Verze sestavení: 1.0.2854.17237
   Verze Win32: 1.0.2854.17237
   Základ kódu: file:///D:/mat/advtac/bin/AdvancedTactics.exe
   Verze sestavení:
   Verze Win32: 2.0.50727.832 (QFE.050727-8300)
   Základ kódu: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
   Verze sestavení:
   Verze Win32: 2.0.50727.832 (QFE.050727-8300)
   Základ kódu: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
   Verze sestavení:
   Verze Win32: 2.0.50727.832 (QFE.050727-8300)
   Základ kódu: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
   Verze sestavení:
   Verze Win32: 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
   Základ kódu: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/
   Verze sestavení:
   Verze Win32:
   Základ kódu: file:///D:/mat/advtac/bin/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.DLL
   Verze sestavení:
   Verze Win32: 2.0.50727.832 (QFE.050727-8300)
   Základ kódu: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
   Verze sestavení:
   Verze Win32: 2.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
   Základ kódu: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/

seille -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/28/2007 11:33:15 PM)

Hello Matto,

Maybe you tried to play the human only variant against the AI.
That version the AI can´t handle.
Pls make sure you uncheck the option i marked in the screen
when playing with AI´s.


Matto -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/29/2007 12:08:39 AM)

Hi,I completly sure, I disabled it ... and now I tested it again. It creshed again ... AI step about 103, I think second AI after A-H ...

Matto -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/29/2007 12:19:09 AM)

It look like The West AI problem ... when I started with The West (all others AI) than it works ...

TheHellPatrol -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/29/2007 4:21:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: Son_of_Montfort

Warhammer 40K would be good in theory, but units rely so much on special abilities to demarcate them in that game, it might be a bit "bland." I wish someone would update Rites of War, which I liked very much.

Now a Dune - Battle for Arrakis scenario... that has HUGE potential. Need to brush up some desert squares with red to denote spice fields... [;)] Would feel great to have 50 Sardaukar collide against 100 Fremen warriors to see who wins! You could research "Wierding Modules" and produce Feydakin... it would be spectacular!


Agreed, Rites of War...i remember that one...i think it stopped working with XP?

Percopius -> RE: Community website scenario's (10/29/2007 6:27:36 AM)

Do you remeber Warhammer 40,000: Liberation? Or Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate?


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