Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (Full Version)

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tweber -> Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 9:39:03 PM)

Decided to group the next couple of turns into a thread as they represent the 'Sitzkrieg' Period of the war. Here is Turn 3.

The West was quiet. One of the first things you should do when opening a turn is to review the previous player's history. The West made only 6 'moves' that were observable by my units. Pictured below is one of them. Artillery in the Maginot Line is shelling my troops to spoil any potential attacks.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 9:42:53 PM)

Reviewing these reports is useful to gage your opponents level of research. I see that he shelled me with artillery, so that means he has not upgraded this yet. You can see that my troops are now Rifle II. The previous turn, I researched this. Rifle II can inflict and take more damage. It also uses the same supply levels as Rifle I so it is a good way to improve your army. (In general, supply constrains the overall size of your force).

I am trying to learn as much about my opponents intentions as possible. I review the strategic screen to look at pp grant levels.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 9:50:27 PM)

If you are building a scenario, you can define variables. You can also expose variables on the strategic screen. This scenario uses about 50 variables but only 4 or exposed.

The top three variable report the political point (pp) levels of The West, Germany, and the Soviets. Each turn, these regimes get poliitcal points based on how the game is going (e.g., Germany gets extra pp once Swedish iron ore is secured, the West gets extra pp as lend lease once France falls. Actually, the entire U.S. entry is similated by a large pp grant). PP is the currency of the game. To put things in perspective, a city can produce 5 pp a turn. US production after 1942 is 150 pp or 30 on map cities (Germany only has 9 now).

You can play an action card to increase your economic production by 1 for 12 pp (so you have a 1 year payback period). The West's pp level is 25 so I know my opponent has not invested in economic development.

It is a tricky call whether Germany should invest in economic development. If you invest regularly, there is quite a large payback over a 6 year war. However, Germany's best chance is in the early years so you have to decide whether to go for the quick kill or the long, drawn out marginal victory.

Here are some other action cards:


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 9:57:34 PM)

Germany can buy uboats to attack allied pp and buy interceptors to protect German pp. German uboat effectiveness changes depending on conditions. It is less effective in the winter and more effective once French Atlantic ports are captured. You do not want to deploy uboats piece meal since the West can counter with destroyers. The bestt tactics is to build up uboats and then do a massive deployment. You can do this by either buying uboats and then playing the reserve card, this keeps them stashed for a while. Or, you can store pp and then buy a lot of uboats at once.

I am going to buy some interceptors. This will protect my industry and I can recall them and use them as fighters in the spring. The advantage of this is that they do not use supply while guarding industry. The disadvantage is that they do not gain experience.

I will keep my uboat plans quiet for now. They is a 50% chance that the Western player while crack my codes (ULTRA) and learn about my strategic deployments. This makes a large sortie somewhat of a crap shoot.

Back to the action. Not much to do after the planning is done. I launch some attacks on the Maginot Line and find that my opponent has withdrawn his airforce. He is most likely preserving it to defend London and Paris. I throw my entire airforce on the Maginot line and launch a few concentric assaults. I am able to penetrate 2 hexes into the line but take some damage. Here is the picture at the end of the turn.


Erik Rutins -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 10:16:52 PM)

If you're going to post this in separate threads, could you possibly put a "continued" link on the first thread to the next? I posted a link to the first thread in a few places and it would help folks find the further threads.

Barthheart -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 10:22:24 PM)

What's the difference bewteen the three versions of this scenario? (1939, 1939b,1939f)

Also what the "Diplomacy" scenario that's mentioned in the brief for these scenarios?

Good AAR, already helped me find stuff!

seille -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 10:23:22 PM)

Tom used the advantage of XP very well. He did not waste any time and hit my Maginot line as long as the troops had a bigger disadvantage in experience. German initial army has (except some units) a XP of 100. Elite soldiers is the right word for....

Even i upgraded my infantry also last turn to level II my troops in the Maginot line had no chance. German attack was very hard as always.
With the high XP and good mortar support they kicked me out of my bunkers.
AT least they did some damage to the attackers.

Tom is right that i removed my planes from France.
Against 100 XP fighter II resistance would be suicide. And i hate to waste my forces.
This is the other plus Germany has at begin: A very strong Luftwaffe.
The counterpart for the west is a strong Navy (also 100XP). A very powerful instrument in both attack and defense.
Iīll need my Navy later very much.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 10:24:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Barthheart
What's the difference bewteen the three versions of this scenario? (1939, 1939b,1939f)

That was a build glitch, we somehow included three versions. The 1939f version is the most recent "final" version and should be the one used to play. The other two can be deleted, from what I understand from the designer.


Also what the "Diplomacy" scenario that's mentioned in the brief for these scenarios?

That's one of the other scenarios that comes with the game. [8D]

Barthheart -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 10:28:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Rutins


Also what the "Diplomacy" scenario that's mentioned in the brief for these scenarios?

That's one of the other scenarios that comes with the game. [8D]

But it's not in any of the scenario folders...[;)].... another "glitch"?[:'(]

DOH!!! Just found it!.....[8|]

Erik Rutins -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 10:30:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Barthheart
DOH!!! Just found it!.....[8|]

Oh, ye of little faith... [;)]

tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/26/2007 10:54:49 PM)


Also what the "Diplomacy" scenario that's mentioned in the brief for these scenarios?

This Europe 1939 scenario uses the map that I built for the "Diplomacy" scenario. The Diplomacy scenario is modeled somewhat after the old 'Diplomacy' game in that you have a bunch of European powers with equal military and production. You can use action cards to build units and to give political points (the diplomacy part) to other players. That game is probably best with multiple players (it goes up to 6).

tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 3:18:39 AM)

Turn 4, December 1939.

Winter strikes. Winter is modelled as a 25-50% loss of readiness. This turn, it will be 33%. Losing readiness means that units cannot move as much, attack as many rounds, and consume more supply. The picture below shows that my supply consumption is now exceeding my supply production. I need to shift production to make more supply or my units will be much less effective.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 3:21:37 AM)

I continue my assault on the Maginot line. I am trying to show enough progress on the Western front to get Italy to join the war. In game terms, Italy will join when Lille (city NW of Paris) is captured. I assault Strassbourg from 4 sides with a prepatory airstrike. Casualties, as you can see from the battle page below, are high for both sides.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 3:24:49 AM)

Here is a picture of the Maginot line and the Western front at the end of the turn. I am halfway through the line. However, the West may have purchased engineers and could add depth to his defense.

I discovered that the West has put substantial investment in upgrading flak (see Flak III below). This will make an invasion of Britain difficult. I also notice that no destroyers have been purchased. A massive uboat campaign is starting to look more attractive.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 3:26:47 AM)

Meanwhile at sea, my uboat fleet is lurking offshore. I plan to engage them in the coming spring campaign.


Arditi -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 5:09:56 AM)

  Great AAR! [:)]
  Regards, Arditi

seille -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 11:55:30 AM)

Not much to report from my side.
The germans broke deep into the Maginot line even with the bad weather.
They are simply unstoppable at this time. But as the battle screen shows they had to pay for
at least.
I reorganized my defense a bit and bought some supply since i did not produce enough.
And the first DDīs arrived to fight the coming sub threat.

Why these german hard early attacks in winter instead of spring ?
Tom can win time this way for later sub attacks or invasion of england. Heīll have more time
to finish me off until the russians become active and the USA join the war. When this happens and Germany
is not in a very good position already they will run into trouble thatīs sure.

I expect to lose control over France in the next 2-3 turns.

tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 4:55:35 PM)

Turn 5. January 1940.

I plan to continue my assault on the Maginot line with my overwhelming air superiority. In the picture below, I show the front with terrain view on and off. It is a useful button to see the ground under the units. On the panel with the terrain view, I added arrows to show my objectives for the round. I want to role up the front from the South.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 5:00:06 PM)

I bring my artillery south to shell the circled unit. I then assault from Strassbourg and the hex directly north. Here is the screen prior to the battle. You will notice that I have 4 units in Strassbourg. I only select the infantry units for the assault. I hold my armor in reserve for a potential exploitation.

You can also see below that the game tells me how many strength points are attacking, what is the maximum that can be used in the battle given number of hexes I am attacking from, and the concentric attack bonus. Concentric attacks are very important. My bonus is low (4%) since I am only attacking from 2 sides and my readiness has been impacted by the winter weather. A normal 2 sided attack is 10% bonus. (and yes, you can adjust concentric bonuses in the editor)


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 5:06:04 PM)

The battle in the southern hex is successful. Remnents of the Maginot garrison retreat to the SE and are attacked by my armored unit in reserve. Unfortunately, this action takes all the action points out of my armored corps. I will not be able to concentrically attack the next strong point.

I now work on the second hex in the front. I prepare my attack with a large air strike. The West has nearby flax that do fortunately do not inflict damage (must be inexperienced). Here is what the air strike battle looks like when done. Unfortunately, I do not get the enemy tank.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 5:10:18 PM)

Finally, here is my assault. It is not successful. My attack was well prepared but I was not able to use my tank. The West's tank survived and the terrain favors armor. This is my first stalled attack of the war.

Overall, my progress in the first 5 turns has been decent but I have taken some casualties assaulting the maginot line. It will be interesting to see if the West puts up more of a fight for France.


seille -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 5:29:53 PM)

Ok, now the western part.

Tom already explained all his attacks and his estimates of my defensive plans.

My flak did not kill too many planes, but they prevented the enemy planes from hitting my units too hard.
That way they repulsed the following ground attack.
Even iīm happy with the losses my troops caused itīs very hard to see the german troops nearly thru the Maginot line in January 1940.

I donīt think i can stop them, but maybe delay. Thatīs why i let two fresh light tank units arrive
on the western battlefield and sent them direct to the Maginot line.

tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 6:42:15 PM)

Turn 6, Feb 1940.

Focus will be on the last Maginot line hex. I strike with 2 artillery corps and my entire airforce. I lose some planes to the flak concentrations but I get both of the tanks in the hex. This is a good result.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 6:45:31 PM)

I now assault the hex. The battle is costly for both sides. I get lucky in that the defenders retreat to the SW towards the headquarters. The road to the NW is open. I left a mechanized engineering corps out of the battle. It can now exploit. The West has a thin line and I am able to penetrate deeply to the north. The road on the South is also open. I am able to surround the Western Army. He might break my encirclement but the troops should have low readiness due to lack of supply. See the picture after the encirclement below.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 6:46:54 PM)

Meanwhile at sea, my uboat fleet made contact with the West near Gibraltar. They did not attack so they may not have seen me. I will have to move again to hide.


seille -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 7:12:32 PM)

The west had some problems this turn since the encirclement really cutted my readiness a lot
especially due to the bad weather.
However several light tank units arrived and reopened the road from Luxembourg to Paris.
And they caused high losses among the enemy troops there. Even unexperienced the high concentric bonus worked
well. Attacked there from up to 4 directions.

Weīll see how long we can defend there.

While this my engineers constructed a first fortification near Manchester which is the most important hex on my side.
Loosing this means i would lose the ability to let troops arrive in England (after Paris is under german control).

Next time iīll make my own screenshots here i promise [:)]
We forgot to activate the screenshot funtion so we have to make the shots manually....

Mightfox -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 7:51:33 PM)

What exactly is the casualty ratio? It seems a little unrealistic that the Germans could smash through the Maginot line like that...though, that may be one of the advantages of attacking early; the West is not yet prepared for fighting.

seille -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 8:41:02 PM)

Loss ratio in the Maginot fight is close to 1:1 especially for infantry with advantages for the germans.
Western troops are less experienced and prepared and the west decided not to use the planes at this point.
So donīt expect that scenario will follow the historical way !!
It is not 100% realistic (youīll find many things which are correct like
the capture of Oslo and Kopenhagen by Germany), but itīs well balanced and a lot of fun to play.
And thatīs what it was made for [;)]

Btw, Tweber is not a nobody. He created the scenario and knows all possibilities very good.
In addition he didnīt do that attack the first time. I think he broke that line a half dozen times now ;-)
Maybe other players would be less successful here [:)]

tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 9:31:44 PM)

Turn 7, March 1940

The French army has decided to fight and reinforcements from Paris re-establish communications with the surrounded Maginot garrison. Here is the picture at the start of the turn.


tweber -> RE: Europe 1939 turns 3-7 (10/27/2007 9:41:05 PM)

I will focus my efforts on the HQ.

I start the battle off with an artillery barrage of the HQ unit. I want to reduce the readiness of the flak batteries before I come in with my airstrikes. I then launch my entire airforce on the HQ and underlying units. This is effective in destroying some takes and significantly reducing the readiness of the defending units.

I now prep for my concentric attack. There are 2 weak tank corps to the S and SE. I attack these concentrically. These units are weak and are eliminated in the first round of combat. I have enough action points to advance and attack the HQ from 3 sides (50% concentric bonus). My attack is devastating and the remnants of the Maginot garrison is elimated.

I also have enough AP to attack one of the new tank corps on the SW flank of the front. It is new with low experience. My veterans handle it nicely and gain additional ground.

My casualties are very light this turn. This is because I am attacking with armor on good terrain against units that have been reduced from retreating, air and artillery attacks, and low supply. This is much different from the previous turns when I was making assaults on well entrenched positions.

The reason that I was able to have success in the earlier assaults in that the West has conserved there air force. Overwhelming air superiority over the Maginot line has allowed for a breakthrough.

Next turn, I will get an action card that will allow me to occupy Norway, Denmark, and attack the Low Countries. I have purchased some units and have them in position to the North. I hope to have France wrapped up by June.


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