AlvinS -> Advanced Tactics or Guns of August? (11/2/2007 2:16:54 AM)
I need help deciding which game to purchase "Advanced Tactics" or "Guns of August" as they both hold my interest and seem like good games. Anyone here have both, that could offer a recommendation? One day I will probably have both, but can only afford one at the moment.
I figured this would be a good forum to ask for opinions.[;)]
Thank you
Twotribes -> RE: Advanced Tactics or Guns of August? (11/2/2007 3:23:37 AM)
I have both and hardly play Guns of August. Guns of August takes a bit more patience and a bit more learning curve. AT has a lot of nuance to it, but you can pick it up and go and learn as you play. But if you like both, hard choice.
Guns is specific, WW1. AT is generic and can cover lots of times and wars. If you must have a WW1 game, Guns of August is great.
cdbeck -> RE: Advanced Tactics or Guns of August? (11/2/2007 3:31:55 AM)
Of course you could get Advanced Tactics and DL the Great War scenario from the AT scenario bank. Tweber produced a masterful effort here, it may not be exactly Guns of August, but it plays pretty well. I own them both as well, but GoA is far harder to get into, IMHO.
AlvinS -> RE: Advanced Tactics or Guns of August? (11/2/2007 3:49:09 AM)
Thanks for the input guys. [8D] Sounds like I should start with Advanced Tactics and then get Guns of August later.