Items for Patch 1.2 list far (Full Version)

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StormcloudCreations -> Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/3/2007 10:30:23 PM)

I've gathered together some improvements for the next patch (1.2) list so far.

- Fixing various little glitches reported in the Support forum, about 5 of them or so

- Adding a feature where the first 12 out of the 18 pilots are randomly selected for you

- Adding an Exit Mission feature when either A) all of your pilots are in the Pre-approach area or B) When the main target is destroyed

- Adding an exit button to the Combat screen, as per many requests [:D]

- Still working on the resolution issue; if a solution is found, it will be in there

- Speeding up the Combat display/updating a little bit using various methods

- Add slightly higher chance for bandits to move, and sharpen their AI a little as well

- Adding an altitude indicator on the individual pilots for the main combat screen

- Moved to DirectX for various game functions, increasing overall game speed 5-10%

Umbriel -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/4/2007 1:08:59 AM)

Wish :
- possibility to choose random generated pilot.
- More than 1 level for pilot (double exp to reach each new lvl ?). For example, Dino need 4 xp to gain a level, so to the next 8 xp, then 16 xp and so on.
Each lvl, random effect : +1 x 2 (so 1 to Ata + 1 At or +2 Ata or +2 AtG) or Slow to Fast.

hmssirius -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/4/2007 1:19:19 AM)

Still disapointed that screen res issue is such a low priority. Having purchased a game that is halfplayable at best is not a good thing, Particularly for such a long period of time. Surely some of the forum suggestions such as windowed options are not that hard to implement. At present I would be even happy to have a half baked solution to the problem like moving the buttons up into the playable screen area or hotkeys. The amount of screen lost from the bottom on a 1440 lap top is not that much and is almost playable. I see other posts about developers listenening. This may be so but why are they not acting. [&:]

Umbriel -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/4/2007 1:39:27 AM)

Yep, a Window mode will be great !!!!

StormcloudCreations -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/4/2007 1:59:33 AM)

fishhead: The reason for this is quite technical in nature, but certainly the screen res thing isn't a low priority at all, and i've been looking for a solution to implement. I have a possible plan, but it's proven to be a real pain. Part of it is the programming language used to create the game itself is proving to be a bit of a barrier in and of itself.

CapnDarwin -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/4/2007 2:07:57 AM)


What language are you using for Hornet?

StormcloudCreations -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/4/2007 8:52:25 AM)

Those who are bored by nerdy talk can ignore this post: [:D]
Mostly Visual Basic 6, fully patched. It's fast, flexible and great for most development, but it also has its limitations and I ran into a few of those here. I actually bit the bullet and plan on converting most of my future development with Stormcloud (and probably Matrix too) to VB .NET/2005 (and 2008 when it isn't a buggy mess). Better Vista support, faster compiler, better flexibility and in-built support for resolution changes and all of that, and by now most people have the framework needed installed.

mikebowen1962 -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/4/2007 2:21:12 PM)

Re the exit when target destroyed I assume that would only be when in the pre approch otherwise exiting when over targey would seem wrong.

Not having a clue about these things but is it worth talking to others about the screen resolution problem.  IIRC GofA has it and it works but its probably a different code or whatever.  I think if that were solved sales would soar as its idea to play on a lap top when time is tight.


CapnDarwin -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/4/2007 4:05:07 PM)


I've played a little with VB6 for some things at work (day job). Rob and I are using Borland/Code Gear/whoevertheyaretoday Delphi 2007 with a number of 3rd party tools to cover the work we are doing on the Flashpoint games. Rob is wiz with that software and I've been using it for a number a things for years. It has a very fast and good compiler for standalone exes and a ton of good third party tools. It might be worth looking into down the road if you are looking to change code base.

Thanks for the info.

CptWaspLuca -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/4/2007 7:03:24 PM)

Please add altitude indicator on hornet icons in the tactical display to the list! I need that :)

NefariousKoel -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/5/2007 6:04:15 PM)

I like the random pilot picks.. care to add any more detail on how that'll work?

Also.. I agree with Wasp's altitude indicator of some sort in the main play area.  I know you mentioned that you want to put that in?  Maybe you forgot to include it in the list?[:)]

StormcloudCreations -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/5/2007 7:24:11 PM)

Random pilot picks: Basically they'll be a button you can click, and it will randomly select the proper amount of pilots from each skill level for you. Along with the random campaign selection, it will throw a bit of a change-up at the player to deal with.

Yes...I suppose an altitude indicator may have to be added in. It's on the list now.

StormcloudCreations -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/7/2007 7:38:43 PM)

Work on the 1.2 patch has started, and should be done in a week or so. Thanks for everyone who contributed ideas!

Sonny II -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/7/2007 7:52:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: StormcloudCreations

Work on the 1.2 patch has started, and should be done in a week or so. Thanks for everyone who contributed ideas!

Will we be able to apply it to the demo?

Axeking -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/7/2007 11:13:23 PM)

Too bad "Make the game responsive" isn't on the list.

For me, the lag in response to mouse clicks is ruining an otherwise good game.

It should not take 20-30 seconds to respond to a supress/evade order... (for example)

This on a 2.6 GHz machine with a gig of ram...


StormcloudCreations -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/8/2007 12:42:49 AM)

rlnonay: I actually plan on testing some ideas to make the game a bit more responsive. That amount of delay seems very system dependent though; on my 3.2 Ghz system with a gig of ram with a pretty basic Dell 128MB video card, there's very little delay, almost none. None of our testers reported that kind of delay. If you're running a lot of other apps at once that access the hard drive, that could cause some small delays. But then, some testers were running a lot of other stuff at once too.

rednick -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/8/2007 5:51:26 PM)

i'am one french player ...
Is it possible to rename Pilot ???
and what about a scenario and campain editor ???

StormcloudCreations -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/8/2007 6:03:56 PM)

Pilots can't be renamed right now, and scenario/campaign editor is something we may consider later on.

Richard III -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/8/2007 8:02:41 PM)


Couple things, I can`t seem to get the " surpress" function to work all the time in the Demo, even though  I follow the instructions in the in-game help.
What is the correct sequence  for this function ?

The other issue is that I find the missions, even at the lowest level, very tough to complete due to the extensive ground SAM`s and the endless number of bandits that appear. Since the Hornets, unlike the real birds, have a very limited number of weapon hardpoints in the Game ( which I realize is an abstraction for Game reasons ) and you usually need 40-50 % AtA loadout to deal with the Bandits, you usually run out of AtG weapons or the ability to use them after a pilot get to high " stress " from evasion. It really seems the Game Pilots are much too prone to high stress from " evasions", and therefore become useless in the mission, and that is very unrealistic, if you use the real world of Naval Avation as some baseline for the Game.

If you get a  hostile " event" while inbound, it get worse. It would seem from looking at the AAR`s above, from people envolved in developing the Game System, that I`m not alone....While it may be me, I`d respectfully suggest that the Game Balance be looked at again and perhaps receive more play testing.  All this is not a "Slam" on the Game, I think there is a real gem lurking in there, but it`s not quite here yet.


Erik Rutins -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/8/2007 8:45:35 PM)


I think some of those balance concerns may also be just a matter of practice. We've had requests from experienced gamers to make the game harder as well, I encourage everyone to give the difficulty settings a try. I initially found HL to be quite tough too, but at this point I can complete the demo campaign without breaking much of a sweat.


- Erik

jojolegrognard -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/9/2007 11:18:36 AM)


Content de voir un autre joueur francais sur ce forum! J'ai le jeux mais je fais partie des "malheureux" qui ont un probléme de résolution....J'éspére que le futur Patch résoudra ce probléme.Le jeux a l'air plutot sympa et simple ??


Umbriel -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/11/2007 2:18:05 AM)

Bah on est 3 ;)

Oui, le jeu est assez simple et on assimile assez vite les bases et les stratégies "standards" pour telle ou telle cible.

Le jeu sera vraiment bien quand on pourra jouer en mode fenêtre, et quand ils auront intégrés les extensions de HL II :)

jojolegrognard -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/12/2007 12:15:17 AM)


J'attend le patch (cette semaine??) pour pouvoir tester le jeu.Sympa ces adaptations de jeu de carte "simple et rapide".J'ai lu la notice tous a l'air clair a part quelques points techniques précis sur l'armement......Tu sembles avoir une expérience de ce jeu dans sa version carte???

PDiFolco -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/12/2007 3:45:02 PM)

Hé les gars c'est un forum en anglais ici ! [:D]

StormcloudCreations -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/12/2007 10:19:22 PM)

Progress report on the 1.2 patch:

Nerdy stuff: I'm biting the bullet and migrating the game to DirectX usage to play sound and music. I was using a third-party control to play these, but that control turned out to be causing some of the weird "slowness" between planning screens in the game. DirectX 8 or higher will be required (99% have this from what I can tell) to play the next patch. There's a good 5-10% increase in overall speed because of this change.

I'm adding in the random pilot selection feature now. It will work at the click of one button, and it will choose your starting 12 pilots (the appropriate amount from each skill level) at random.

After that, little speed improvements on the combat screen, including fixing some of the issues with slowness, and screen "flashes" associated with moving pilots, and a few remaining bugs.

For our French friends (courtesy BabelFish):
Rapport sur l'état d'avancement sur la pièce rapportée 1.2 :

Substance de Nerdy : Je mords la balle et émigre le jeu à l'utilisation de DirectX au bruit et à la musique de jeu. J'avais l'habitude une tiers commande pour jouer ces derniers, mais cette commande avérée causer une partie d'd'"lenteur" étrange entre les écrans de planification dans le jeu. DirectX 8 ou plus haut sera exigé (99% ont ceci de ce que je peux dire) pour jouer la prochaine pièce rapportée. Il y a une bonne augmentation 5-10% de vitesse globale en raison de ce changement.

J'ajoute dans le dispositif pilote aléatoire de choix maintenant. Cela fonctionnera au clic d'un bouton, et il choisira vos 12 pilotes commençants (la quantité appropriée de chaque niveau de compétence) au hasard.

Après ce, peu d'améliorations de vitesse sur l'écran de combat, y compris fixer certaines des issues avec la lenteur, et l'écran "clignote" liée aux pilotes mobiles, et à quelques bogues restants.

Veldor -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/13/2007 3:43:53 AM)

1.Please change the green explosion animation graphic. Its far too cheezy an effect. Even if you overlayed a static red explosion and then removed it it would look better than the green in a black box.
2.Get rid of the black screen refresh between each planes move.. Again it seems like a cheezy way to cover up for some other graphics problem still in the code. Leave the black screen refresh in at the end of each round only.
3.Add an option screen to include a background graphic and include your best sample one at a minimum.

StormcloudCreations -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/13/2007 8:00:22 AM)

1. Originally there was a regular red animated explosion..that may get subbed in.
2. That will be gone with the next patch...mentioned above. The "flashing" or screen reloading will be gone at the end of each round too. [:D]
3. It will be considered.

NefariousKoel -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/13/2007 9:20:17 AM)

I'm all for changing the explosion graphic back to the red one.

CapnDarwin -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/18/2007 2:19:35 AM)


Here are a few other items to look at for 1.2. I mentioned some of them to Dan during the chat this week.
1. On several occasions when engaging a ground target at low altitude with a gun, the ATG bonus did not appear to be factored into the attack. I saw a number of die rolls that should have made the 10 or better required for a hit.
2. The ZSU-23/4 should have the Radar trait and be a target of ARM's.
3. I've also noticed a trend when evading. If any (successful or not) suppression is done the evade has been about 100% successful following. Maybe it is just good luck and all but it may be worth looking into.
4. The range of the Harm missile at 1 is too short. If the Aim-120 is a range 2 weapon so should the Harm who has an equal to greater range in real life.
5. Why is the 37mm gun high altitude rated? Effective engagement altitude of this system is around 3000m.

I hope the update coding is going well. I'm off to work data.


StormcloudCreations -> RE: Items for Patch 1.2 list far (11/24/2007 2:04:20 AM)

Patch is still in progress...holidays have delayed it a bit. I think people will be happy with it; smoother overall performance due to the internal changes, and a few nice new features too. [:)]

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