AAR Request (Full Version)

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Peterk1 -> AAR Request (11/4/2007 11:07:16 PM)

I know this is a lot to ask...

but could someone post an AAR of themselves getting thrashed by the AI in one of the WWII scenarios. :)

I've been on the fence watching this game with interest. Seeing that would probably make me bite.

Kipper -> RE: AAR Request (11/4/2007 11:17:53 PM)

I love these posts of people on the fence wanting us poor fanboys to jump through hoops to convince them to buy the game ;-)

Peterk1 -> RE: AAR Request (11/5/2007 12:56:25 AM)

I'm sure I'll get there on my own one of these days.... :)
But it would be imminently amusing and entirely tantalizing to see the AI dismantle someone in an AAR in addition to the uber player AAR's that are now going up.

Banquet -> RE: AAR Request (11/5/2007 1:40:22 AM)

My latest random game would have made a good AAR, in that some towns have changed hands multiple times. It's currently round 52 and it's about half the map to me - half to the AI, but I think I'm gaining the upper hand, finally.

2 divisions (my name for 8 units, comprising of inf-inf-inf-arm-HQ-Eng-AT-Art) have completed their offensives, been brought back up to full strenth and are now ready for re-deployment to other ops.

In other area's I continue to have setbacks. One division was caught by a surprise encirlement and a 2nd, armoured division sent to help has managed to get itself encircled too. The remnants of these 2 divisions are currently holed up in a town with another division racing to get them out.

I'm getting better at this game but still make mind boggling mistakes at times. The AI, while obviously not up to human opponent levels, is great at punishing mistakes. The supply rules and the importance of roads, means it only takes a stray enemy unit to turn your best offensive into an logistical nightmare!

Anyway, sorry for rambling! I think an AAR against the AI is a good idea. I'm sure it would highlight the good and the bad. Some mathematically inclined players could possibly run rings around it.. but for flawed strategists like me it's proving to be a dangerous opponent at times! :)

SlowHand -> RE: AAR Request (11/9/2007 1:00:29 AM)

Peter, and any others wanting to read a very good AAR, and to get a good feel for how the game plays, visit this thread by Dave74.

It's modestly graphics intense (for those with slow conns), but Dave74's write-up is extremely well done, and the graphics are well-chosen to display the action. You might be daunted by its length (which is largely due to the graphics), but read the first page and you should be hooked.

Peterk1 -> RE: AAR Request (11/9/2007 1:58:47 AM)

I'm reading it already. Wish his girlfriend would let him play the bloody game though!
It pretty much fits the bill of what I asked for....just waiting for the AI to thrash him (shouldn't be too much longer) and I'll be happy!

SMK-at-work -> RE: AAR Request (11/9/2007 2:22:25 AM)

Um....looks to me like he's doing nicely!! :)

I must confess to not having any trouble with AI or AI+ yet in any scenario.

Peterk1 -> RE: AAR Request (11/9/2007 7:27:03 AM)

I don't know....I like the Russian  position in this game.

SlowHand -> RE: AAR Request (11/9/2007 9:52:42 AM)



I don't know....I like the Russian  position in this game.

... which suggests a possible future "feature" for a patch ... or AT 2.0: the ability to have humans take over AI positions in the middle of a game --- minus any AI+ or AI++ of course.

... Or can you essentially do this now via the Editor on a Saved Game? (Apologies, if so)

S-l--o---w :::: who obviously hasn't finished the manual ::::

freeboy -> RE: AAR Request (11/9/2007 12:39:15 PM)

I may be humble, but that is a lot to ask! LOL

Barthheart -> RE: AAR Request (11/9/2007 2:24:30 PM)



... Or can you essentially do this now via the Editor on a Saved Game? (Apologies, if so)

Don't believe you can edit saved games. Too cheatable....

SlowHand -> RE: AAR Request (11/9/2007 9:51:23 PM)


Don't believe you can edit saved games. Too cheatable....

Ahhh, right.

Well, if the "feature" (allowing Humans to take over an AI position(s) in Dave 74's game in this thread here ) were implemented, it would have to be an add-on component to the current game (in the "Systems Window" probably) and the Anti-Cheat module (word?) would probably have to be tweaked to recognize such game-state changes. That's why I was thinking AT 2.0. Or lots of sales of this version, and some Human Resources to  help tackle these issues. Perhaps a "Battle-Pack" add-on or something for some modest $$$ with new features and lots of new Multi-player PBEM scenarios a la Dave74's and others.

dave74 -> RE: AAR Request (11/9/2007 10:31:05 PM)

It gives me a warm glow in my heart to hear so many people so confident in my abilities in this game that they are speaking about my soon to happen demise!!!


Punzer -> RE: AAR Request (11/10/2007 9:05:00 AM)

Not me, Dave, I've got your back! [:D] You da man!!

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