Reopening the "moral highground" debate (Full Version)

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The Almighty Turtle -> Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/11/2007 11:37:45 PM)

Ok than, I was going around the archives today, and noticed one thread that I cannot and will not let stand here.

I am, of course, referring to the debate over who had the moral
"highground" in WWII. I have had the displeasure of looking through it, and I must say that it makes my blood boil as to how nihilistic and morally-equivalent it is.

In response to those arguing that nobody had the moral highground in WWII, and to KG Erwin in particular, I wonder how much you have studied on the issue of warcrimes and atrocities in WWII.

For one, before you yack about how the German lineman was not responsible for the crimes of groups like the Gestapo and the SS, I must beg to differ: while the SS, Gestapo, and SA are (rightfully) singled out for their zealous and eager participation in the Reich's program of mass-murder, they were far from the only groups doing so.

One of the most active forces in the Genocide in general and in the mass-slaughter of Slavs and other "undesirables" in the East WAS the Regular German military. There are more than a few books and documentaries on the issue of how the Soviet prisoners taken in the war in the East were systematically and throughly killed off by the organization they were officially under the protection of, namely the Wehrmacht, using disgusting tactics such as forced-marches, feeding them substandard food (even when there was better food in excess, see the Soviets at Colditz), working them into the grave, and frequently simply killing them outright.

In addition, both the Wehrmacht and the Luftwaffe were allowed to go on rampages in Eastern Europe (the Polish, Yugoslav, and Soviet Campaigns in particular), and this has shown itself in places like the shelling of Belgrade even AFTER the Yugoslavs had declared in an Open City, massive bombings of areas that had no significant military importance (even the Western Allies' more maligned bombings, such as Dresden, did have strategic and military importance, such as cutting the lines of supply and communication that were housed in Dresden), and general warcrimes (see the Germans in Bohemia, where they used terror and butchery freely to bring what passed for the Nationalist opposition into line).

As for the Soviets, their atrocities are also well known: brutal persecution of Poles during their advances through Poland, bombing civilian targets with no strategic importance, a campaign of death, rape, and looting that happened throughout Eastern Europe in the final months that was EXCUSED by the Soviet Command. In addition, they ethnically cleansed Poles, Germans, Slovaks, and Romanians from then-Eastern Poland, various areas such as Prussia, Sudentenland, and the Volga Germans, The area of Slovakia they annexed, and Bessebria/Moldavia respectively.

For the Japanese, their atrocities were VERY well known, from executions of POWs, terror-bombing for the sake of terror, use of forbidden weapons against civilians and military alike (namely poison gas) and massacres in Malaysia, Singapore,New Guinea, China, and Manchuria.

So, you will forgive me if I do not hold the idea of thinking that the Western Allies being the ones holding the moral highground is either foolish nor naive. They had their faults, god knows, but in comparison to their friends and foes, they were saints.

I await a response.

KG Erwin -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 12:38:45 AM)

With today being November 11, you selected a poor day to try to pick a fight.

Goblin -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 1:28:38 AM)


A link to the original thread?


The Almighty Turtle -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 1:29:01 AM)

Actually, I feel that it is a VERY appropriate day to "pick a fight" on this issue. I feel that it is both insulting and dishonorable to lump the aforemented groups in with the honored dead (sure, many of them may not have been keen on Jews or Slavs, but that is a FAR cry from the genocidal rampage that much of the Wehrmacht went on).

And secondly, I would hope you have a better argument to defend your "conduct" in the previous thread than that.

I await a response.

Goblin -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 1:31:47 AM)




A link to the original thread?



The Almighty Turtle -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 1:33:28 AM)

Ok than, sorry Goblin, didn't hit "refresh" while posting. Now, I do not know how to post links to threads, but the thread is titled "Good Guys vs Bad Guys." At first, it merely dealt with the idea that there is no such thing in SPWAW ( I might disagree in some cases, ie M4 Jess's Concentration Camp scenario, but for the most part I would agree). However, after that, it flew out of control into moral equivalence, which I cannot stand. That is my own view of it, and if I can be proved wrong as to how that went, than by all means, go ahead.

Goblin -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 1:36:22 AM)

Copy and paste the URL from your address window while viewing the thread. The search function here doesn't work right, and I cannot find the thread. In fairness to thread readers, a link to the reason behind your post seems called for.


The Almighty Turtle -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 1:43:18 AM)�

I think this is what you were talking about, so, take a look at this piece of "work."

Goblin -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 1:45:15 AM)

Thanks [:)]

KG Erwin -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 2:49:03 AM)

Turtle, you have an issue about this statement?:

"Good Guys/Bad Guys. Is there such a thing in SPWaW? We don't deal with the larger strategic/geopolitical issues. This is simply a test of wills between common soldiers and their combat leadership against an enemy.

I've thought about this a lot, and I have my sentimental favorites, but when it gets down to it, all we have are our troops and a mission to accomplish.

Yeah, the Gunny wears his loyalty on his sleeve, but that doesn't mean that any of the other fighting men are good or bad.

It's an old cliche -- 'Theirs is not to question why. Theirs is just to do or die'. "

Ok -- is there something about this you misunderstood? Some folks like to play as the Germans in SPWaW, but that doesn't mean it is morally "wrong", does it?

The Almighty Turtle -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 3:14:10 AM)

No, I do not have any issues with the opening statement, as I explicitly said in the previous post:

At first, it merely dealt with the idea that there is no such thing in SPWAW ( I might disagree in some cases, ie M4 Jess's Concentration Camp scenario, but for the most part I would agree).

Again, I mentioned my beliefs earlier, as most SPWAW scenarios are relatively devoid of moralizing, and rightfully so (save for maybe the Concentration Camp Liberation, US VS SS), and I have no issues with that.

What I DO have issues with was what came afterwards, the moral-relativism, where the RL Western Allied were just as good as, say, the Wehrmacht and the Red Army, which is what I refuse to stay silent on.

And, for clarification, that has nothing to do with what the bastage in the Capital was like, because there undeniably some Japanese soldiers who preformed honorably and dutifully while having no idea why the Chinese were so enraged at them.

What I was bringing up was that moral equivalence does not usually work (such as Islamist Radicals=American Revolutionaries), and this is very much so in WWII, where the rank-and-file man in the lines of the aforemented armies had committed crimes of war as often as they had not.

I do not know about the rest of the forum, but I refuse to excuse the atrocities committed by a soldier in the Sixth Army just because he accomplished himself well at Stalingrad, and I do NOT appreciate the half-handed way people act like the Germans, Soviets, and Japanese were just as honorable as the Western Allies (were people would be persecuted for crimes half as heinous as those that the aforemented forces would not even bother keeping track of).

That is my issue with that. Not the idea that sprites on the computer screen backed up by strings of 0s and 1s are evil or good, but the idea that the forces who those strings of 0s and 1s are based on were all "alike."

vahauser -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 4:13:49 AM)

The Almighty Turtle,

Here is the problem.  If you take your argument to its logical conclusion, there is only one possibility:  "The only real Christian died on the cross."

What I mean by this is that only saints commit no evils.  The only world without evil is a world without people.  Where and when you were born is a matter of luck.  You might have been born in Germany in 1919 when your nation was being torn apart economically and politically and then joined the Hitler Youth.  Or perhaps you might have been born in 1987 in Afghanistan and today be a member of the Taliban.  Luck.

Every human is capable of great evil.  We are witnessing great evils right here and now in this country in 2007 (as well as around the world).  Americans firebombed Dresden and nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians (including lots of children).  We say that we were justified in commiting those evils because the bad guys were even more evil than we were.  I personally believe that there is some (some) truth to that.  But any nation that has the blood of Dresden and Hiroshima on its hands cannot claim to be standing on moral ground much higher than the evil it was attempting to destroy.  A little higher perhaps, but not much.  And to the dead children, none at all.

Anyway, SPWAW makes no political statements (with the one exception of the swastika victory hexes).  It is a purely tactical game that has no ratings for 'evil'.  I enjoy playing the Germans, not because of any political beliefs but because I can get the most interesting and challenging games by playing them. [Indeed, my father was a German Jew (my mother was a Catholic, how's that for a combination?), so I am more aware than most people of the evils of Nazi Germany and I will always hate and loathe the nazis because of my heritage. EDIT: So now you know where my last name, Hauser, comes from.]  So how is it that I can play the Germans with no twinge of conscience?  Well, I can play the Germans because I don't think of them as "Germans".  I think of them as electronic game pieces.  It's just a game to me.  Like chess or checkers.  Nothing more.  I don't think about evil and moral high ground when I play SPWAW.  I just move electronic game pieces and solve tactical problems.  To me, SPWAW is like a tactical puzzle.  I like to solve challenging puzzles.  I don't think about the history.  I don't think about anything else besides solving the tactical puzzle.  I've been labeled an heretical "power gamer" by some because of the way I play the game (because I treat it like a challenging tactical puzzle without regard to "history").

In any event, I can spend my hatred on any number of historical events (the evil of the Inquisition, the evil of Genghis Khan, the evil of American corporate corruption and greed and global pollution, the evil of Nazi Germany, etc.).  All of these evils have destroyed the lives of millions.  But I don't carry any of that with me when I play SPWAW.  Indeed, I often use SPWAW to simply relieve the pressures of a difficult day by blowing up some electronic game pieces with my electronic game pieces. 

I leave morality out of SPWAW altogether.  It's just an electronic game with electronic game pieces.

The Almighty Turtle -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/12/2007 6:11:03 AM)

Um, Vanhauser, you seem to miss the point completely.

I am NOT YAKKING ABOUT PEOPLE PLAYING WITH "EVIL" COMPUTER STRIPS! I, as a matter of fact, have played and enjoyed the majority of the German Campaigns availible myself. The point that I am trying to make is that, while such ideas as good vs evil do not usually appear in SPWAW, that does not mean that in real life, everybody was more or less the same save for weapons, names, and flags.

The reason I made this topic thread was not to get on a pulpit and preach to the masses about how one should stop playing Russian Steel or Watchword Freedom.

The REASON I mentioned that was to make a continuation of the previous thread, where the case was quite different.

It did indeed start out with mentioning that it does not matter in SPWAW, which I have mentioned TWICE that I have agreed with. What happened is that Partisans on both sides of the fence turned it into things like this: (post from KG Erwin, with some quotes):




ORIGINAL: forgorin

What about the Japanes or Germans in WWll? What were they? Were they all evil 'rip the heads off your babis and rape your women' types?

As a matter of fact, yes they were. The Japanese in particular were in fact notorious for doing just that, and worse. They also practiced vivisection, and a particularly brutal form of cannibalism where the victims were literally eaten alive, as the flesh was sliced from the limbs in order to keep the remaining meat fresh on the living victim.

The German's extermination program and the mass rape of nearly every female in Eastern Europe by Russian "liberators" is also well documented.

The allies in Western Europe and the Pacific did indeed hold the moral high ground, along with their decendents in Iraq. Of course it could be said that Arabs who saw people's heads off with rusty knives and blow up market places with truck bombs are just doing their job, which is to terroize people like you into supporting them.

You've got to be kidding?

Please tell me that you're kidding?

Yes, the Dog-man DOES believe this stuff, or at least claims to believe it. Actually, I think his occupation is professional troll.

Endquote here.

Now, we can establish that the end part was so far of course from the first part of that threat that they were not in the same solar system. My point was to continue that.

Contrary to what many people think, the Germans(and indeed the aforementioned nations) were neither burn-all-of-Europe-down-and-then-behead-the-Tibetians-for-their-temples,
types (though the regime was certainly like that). However, neither was it all some sort of touchie-feelgood why-can't-we-all-just-get-along All Quiet on the Western Front* jazz either. Both poles were involved in this clash.

There were Japanese soldiers who saved civilians just as there were Americans and British who killed civilians. However, as a whole, the Western Allies did indeed hold the moral highground, both due to their ideologies, and their conduct in the war.

So, you do NOT need to stop playing Das Reich or hold off killing every Chinaman in China and go into a sort of depression.

However, realize that, while the sprites on your screen are morally neutral, the things that those sprites represented in history were not. Realize that, while SPWAW is a game and does not have complex morality situations (at least not yet, though god knows somebody probably is going to make a campaign using v-hexes for personal conduct and choices sooner or later), the things that happened in the time they are conveying did indeed have good and evil, though they were doubtless blurry at times.

And, for the love of all of Norway's cheddar cheese, note that I was using this form to point out the fact that some people FORGET that last point.

*A good book that is very thought-provoking on war. However, at the same time I think Imissed the part where Paul Bäumer and Kat gamble on how many Belgian civilians they executed in reprisals for Belgian resistance.

KG Erwin -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/13/2007 12:03:29 AM)

Turtle, here's a quote from Eugene Sledge's classic "With the Old Breed" that deserves repeating:

" The attitudes held toward the Japanese... often did not reflect the deep personal resentment held by Marine infantrymen. Official histories and memoirs by Marine infantrymen rarely reflect that hatred...
my experiences on Peleliu and Okinawa made me feel that the Japanese held mutual feelings for us... this collective attitude, Marine and Japanese, resulted in savage, ferocious fighting, with no holds barred. This was not the dispassionate killing seen on other fronts in other wars. This was a brutish, primitive hatred..."

An American made these statements. What moral high ground exists here? The enemy is alien, inhuman, and needs to be destroyed. I admire the late Professor Sledge, and he gets down to it here.

Now, exchange this POV with a German soldier fighting against the Russians. The perceptions are no different. This Asiatic horde wants to rape your wives & daughters and pillage your homeland. They are inhuman. They are a plague that must be eradicated. There's no moral high ground here, either. It becomes a fight for survival.

m10bob -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/13/2007 3:00:12 PM)



Turtle, here's a quote from Eugene Sledge's classic "With the Old Breed" that deserves repeating:

" The attitudes held toward the Japanese... often did not reflect the deep personal resentment held by Marine infantrymen. Official histories and memoirs by Marine infantrymen rarely reflect that hatred...
my experiences on Peleliu and Okinawa made me feel that the Japanese held mutual feelings for us... this collective attitude, Marine and Japanese, resulted in savage, ferocious fighting, with no holds barred. This was not the dispassionate killing seen on other fronts in other wars. This was a brutish, primitive hatred..."

An American made these statements. What moral high ground exists here? The enemy is alien, inhuman, and needs to be destroyed. I admire the late Professor Sledge, and he gets down to it here.

Now, exchange this POV with a German soldier fighting against the Russians. The perceptions are no different. This Asiatic horde wants to rape your wives & daughters and pillage your homeland. They are inhuman. They are a plague that must be eradicated. There's no moral high ground here, either. It becomes a fight for survival.

Poor example Glenn.
The Japanese army had already spent years developing an efficient means to kill their foe in China, soldier and civilian, regardless of sex or age.
The Marines may have had good intentions on Guadalcanal toward their enemy, but that ended for good with the Goettge patrol.
From then on, it was understood there would be no (or little) prisoners, and that carried thruout the war.
This is also evidenced by the rare moments Japanese soldiers did surrender, and many of them were not soldiers, but Korean conscripts working on engineer projects.
Speaking of engineers, the people who raised Lidice were from the regular army, not the Waffen SS.
There is not enough time in physical combat to set a high standard.
Certainly not as high as the lofty perch inhabited by civilian theorists with nothing to risk but their intellectual credibility.

Whitmire -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/13/2007 5:17:06 PM)

Hordes of Japanese cannibals vs. a heavenly host of well-meaning U.S. marines? Sounds like Hollywood to me.

There are no good guys in war. Anybody believing that there are is either blinded by propaganda or brainwashed by counter-propaganda.

History is written by the victors, and the Western allies have had a good sixty years to write it on every intact piece of paper they could find when Europe stopped burning. Why did Stalin's concentration camps come to light only fifty years after the war was over? Because the victors wanted to look saintly in their battle against evil. They wanted a black & white picture of the war, and some people are still buying it, even in these sceptical times.

They stopped a dictator by siding with another. As dictators come and go, Hitler and Stalin were certainly evil, but they were equally evil, so the West could've gone on either side had Hitler not invaded France and threatened to invade Britain as well. After Britain's Poland ultimatum there was no turning back. And they also had a history of fighting Germans in WWI, so the ties between the allies were stronger with (former) Russia. But I am certain that they were as afraid of Communism as they were of National Socialism.

As to a moral high ground, it's just a matter of taking it and holding on to it with the victors' rights. It's easy to distort the picture by painting the walls red with the blood that the enemy spilled while hiding your own trash (the firebombing of Dresden, concentrating Japanese-born U.S. citizens in camps, reducing entire cities to nuclear waste, murdering countless civilians and children) under the carpet.

War is only a matter of choosing between two evils. There are no cowboys dressed in white - only desperados dressed in different shades of black.

The Western allies are certainly quite a few steps above the genocidal dictators Stalin and Hitler, but taking a moral high ground in a war that ended in two cities being wiped out by atomic bombs would be folly. Sure, I've heard just about every story of why it had to be done and how the evil Japanese forced the U.S. to it, but I have to say that those fleeting moments when the atom bombs went off toppled the Western allies from their moral high ground down into the same sludge with the rest of 'em.

The Almighty Turtle -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/14/2007 6:06:00 AM)

Ok than. Sorry I took so long. I was out of town for a bit without internet connection.

To KG Erwin, I must say that I do not need an introduction to demonization. It has been a standard tactic in all matter of things, from war to politics. I have had to wade through miles of US posters calling Americans to arms against the "Yellow Menace", and demanding that "every last murdering Jap be killed," amongst other things. However, it is of note that the term "propaganda" has frequently been used to mean a biased, factually-challenged piece that only mentions one side of the story. This can be correct in many,many occasions. However, it is not necessarily started on falsehood, some of the best propaganda being based on fact.

This is obvious when the Soviets used propaganda describing real massacres the Germans committed in Russia, and Germans doing vice-versa, and Western Allied forces making a big stink out of Lidice. However, if you note, much of the propaganda that the nations in the war spread, you notice that much of it is vague, and frequently stereotypical (see things like the anti-Japanese posters for the US and German propaganda against Russia). Thus, when one attempts to discern fact from fiction in propaganda this long ago, one has to look for specific locations and events. These are relatively hard to do, but, if the propaganda is relatively factual, one can usually draw it to a real or believed atrocity.

This is where several propaganda machines fell apart: the Germans in the war, while finding no dire shortage of Soviet atrocities, literally conjured up ones by the Western Allies in many cases, or, if the event actually happened, like one piece showing Americans (including the Black Savages and Caucasian race-traitors so-loved by the Reich's propaganda ministry) killing several Axis POWs at Gela Airfield in Sicily, they conveniently "forgot" to mention that the responsible were tried and convicted, a problem that did not plague their comrades drawing Soviets.

In this, the Western Allies did not have to frequently "invent" (though some doubtless did) atrocities or omit such information. Indeed, while being stereotypical to (very) frequently racist, the info at the heart is amazingly accurate. Does that mean every WA propaganda piece is true? Obviously not, but is shows that one did not have to dig hard to find dirt on the Axis, and that most of the lying came from sugar-coating losses, and covering for Soviet atrocities on average.

So, yes, propaganda of all ranges of truths did indeed frequently affect the will of the nation producing it to fight, as shown by how many Japanese were motivated by both Bushido, but also by false atrocities by such "scholar" as the Tokyo Rose. Indeed, in every army, there were probably a good deal of stiffs who did not want to be there, and were only motivated by thinking that their side was the most honorable and righteous one, and preformed honorably.

However, history also shows that, like my parents said "most stereotypes have some truth in them" and (Indian driver-jokes that I never liked aside), the track record of the Axis showed that the stereotypes, while being doubtless blanket statements, were not without truth, and substantial amounts of it at that.

To Whitmire, If you think that is "Hollywood propaganda", than you have OBVIOUSLY not seen much if "modern" Hollywood movies[:D].

However, if you are referring to the olden-day movies, than yes, that would be a pretty accurate description of them.

However, if you think I thought that the WAs were "saints", than you need to stop speed-reading. I said that COMPARED TO THEIR ALLIES AND ENEMIES the WA were saints. Now, I am certain that the WAs were not completely good, obviously. Everybody knows about the wartime breaches of the constitution and of the internments. These were not pretty times. And I would be far from it to claim that they were. However, when you say that the moral highground is " just a matter of taking it and holding on to it with the victors' rights." I must say that being victorious does indeed help the reports, obviously. And yes, you are indeed correct that, had the Axis won, we would be seeing Dresden, the bombing campaign, and the internments being emphasized while people would think that "Auschwitz" was the location of Napoleon's great victory over the Austrian and Russian forces (provided of course the Reich did not rewrite it to portray the heroic Austrians facing off against the racially degenerate Russians allied with the decadence of the "enlightened" French, and managing to eek out a decisive win.)

However, to think that that is literally all that there is to it is rubbish of the highest degree. The fact remains that, while the Western Allies and the Germans alike paraded groups they considered untrustworthy into tightly-watched compounds, when the Japanese-Americans went into the shower rooms, it was either WATER that came out, or nothing at all due to cr@ppy plumbing, not lethal gas used to kill hundreds in one fell swoop.

As for the area-bombing campaign, it is easy in this era of missiles accurate enough to hit Mahmoud Van Sharia in his right nostril when he is picking it, while at the same time having no concept of an era where there was not a single bomb that was nearly that accurate in execution. The reason for the bombing campaigns were to both weaken German morale (which it DID, contrary to the politically correct but-the-mighty-Red-Army-had-already-defeated-them mantra) but also to knock out key installations that would hamper the Reich and the Empire.

A fact that many overlook while mentioning how Dresden was a blooming arts center was that it was NOT selected because the General Staff thought that a million shattered stained-glass sets would cause Germany to surrender. It was targeted for elimination because it was a key location for supplies, war materials, and supply/communication lines to the fronts (all facts that the late Kurt Vonnegut failed to mentioned).

The bombing campaign, through terrifying and brutal, also helped cripple the Reich's coordination and manufacturing, while giving Germany a taste of what their belligerent policies (which FAR predated the 3rd Reich, see Otto Von Pikehat) that there was a downside to aggression.

And to head off any "now you have justified the Blitz" rants, I will have tot answer to the negative. Had the Luftwaffe continued to target the aeronautics industry and then the Royal Navy, than yes, they could very well be considered to have ended the war without undue collateral damage from the bombing (of course, what would have come after is inexcusable and brutal, but that is from Hitler's policies for Germany.)

The Blitz, historically, was a relatively stupid affair. The Reich had the correct idea of blasting the RAF to pieces and then going after the Navy second for invasion. However, after that initial good planning and some Allied ploys to cover up how badly they were hit, the German command began a long waltz into looloo land, with no cohesive strategy to break British will, and meandering between different targets, failing to do sufficient damage to any of them, while also targeting intentionally several locations with no strategic value, such as minor towns and villages that did not serve strategic or tactical purposes.

This contrasts with the systematic and deliberate destruction of German and Japanese locations with the intent and the means to reduce their ability to wage war.

As for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, many seem to not notice what the alternatives were. Let me enlighten you:

Operation Downfall: over 500,000 dead Allies and most of the population of Japan estimated in casualties due to Japanese beliefs and defensibility.

A long embargo: a choice that would have introduced famine to the home islands and killed far more than the bombs over years before a surrender can be considered realistic, given the Japanese mindset and that of their Junta.

A useless Peace: a small, largely useless "surrender" that would NOT have removed the old Imperialists, and would have given Japan the ability to muster a new war machine relatively rapidly, due to the amount of territory they would have been allowed to keep.

Any sound good?

I did not think so.

And also, remember that, after Nagasaki, the Imperial Junta tried to prevent the Emperor from surrendering, and send armed troops into his house to find and destroy the surrender ordinance, but were thwarted by a firebombing that cut the power to much of Tokyo.

And this could go on to other factors, such as the Kwantung army going down with a series of rapes and slaughters in China, to preventing Soviet influence, and others, but my fingers are a bit sore right now, so I will not go into those yet.

The fact remains that, contrary to knocking the WAs off into "the sludge with the rest of 'em", it was a decision that, while costly, managed to cut short a war that would have been prolonged and made even more bloody by a fanatical foe that had armed the disabled, children, and others to fight using bamboo sticks or by strapping their bodies up with bombs. I fail to see how any alternative to the bomb could be anywhere near "morally superior", given the costs and death it would have inflicted.

Yes, I have seen the pictures of the results of the bombings and others, as well as the anonymous corpses of what were once men, women, and children, burned to ashes by firebombs or scarred forever by the A-bombs. The result is horrific, and something I would probably not have survived, or been able to comprehend. Yet, however cruel it was, it served a purpose to help grind a halt to the Axis armies in the field, while slowly starving the army of materials and the populace of the will to fight. Brutal? Yes. However, it did help shorten the war and the Axis ability to fight.

So, when it comes to determining moral highground, the story comes to one small question:

Were the Western Allies as bad as the Germans, the Soviets, and the Japanese?

Whitmire -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/14/2007 11:48:40 AM)


Were the Western Allies as bad as the Germans, the Soviets, and the Japanese?

The answer is obvious here, no, so if that is your point, you've "won".

As far as we know, neither the British, the U.S., the ANZAC, etc. neither attempted nor committed genocide, and neither is there evidence of mass rape on a nation-wide scale (and I have a feeling no amount of history-writing would hide such war crimes). I think the most telling thing is that in -45, when the Reich was crumbling, surviving German troops often fought out of encirclement to surrender to the Western allies. So yeah, definitely not.

However, the rest of the post is a shot in the wrong direction, because I was not trying to make the Allies look any worse than they look now. I was reacting to the diabolical German and Japanese infantryman above, and to the sterotype of the war being a battle of good vs. evil. Also, I did say that I've heard every story why the atomic bomb had to be used, but it's still a mass slaughter of civilians, and there are rules against that, and breaking the rules makes you (this "you" is a passive - not you, the reader) a bad guy. Being the only nation ever to use nuclear weapons doesn't do much to improve that image either. You can justify anything, if you want to, and you can believe any or ever explanation you read. It's your choice to believe what you want. War is hell: anything can be justified, just like you suggested in your example of the Reich winning the war. However, I believe that the basic, average German or Japanese infantryman was little worse than the average ryadovoi, G.I. or squaddie.

A friend of mine once said a wise thing (he's said several others, but this is the one that suits this discussion best): Those who are so anxious to believe the explanations for Western war crimes would probably have been among the first burning books, waving their hands stiff in the air and telling Hitler to "heil" had they been born in Germany in the right (or, rather, wrong) time. It's a sign of "mass morality", willingly accepting what you are told by others. A person needs a healthy, preferably academic, amount of criticism, and a blind belief in the moral superiority of your nation, embracing stereotypes and accepting the explanations offered by history, which is a very subjective field of science, are all steps in the wrong direction. Patriotism is just a nice word for nationalism, and nationalism was the thing that poisoned the minds in so many nations in the world war(s).

Steve Petersen -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/14/2007 6:51:04 PM)

Times like this you have to step back from the table and take a really broad look at the final result.

Is the world a better place now that Hitler, Mussonlini, and Tojo are gone? Of course I am speaking in GENERAL terms.

KG Erwin -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/15/2007 2:21:01 AM)

I'm not quite sure what Almighty Turtle's agenda is, but this is not the place for political debates. There's an obvious attempt at "spin" that he desires to engage in. The guy doesn't even reveal where he is from. Does it matter? In this instance, I believe it does.

Strictly in SPWaW terms, soldiers are soldiers, regardless of country of origin. Now, I play as Germans once in awhile, and yes, I prefer the SS, simply because of their elite rating. However, if I should bypass a town on the map, I hold no desire to return to it just to root out the euphemistically-termed "partisans".

Now, as for "looking at the big picture", Steve is correct. We're better off without Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo AND Stalin. These represented evil governments, NOT intrinsically an evil populace.

Has this dead horse been beaten enough now?

The Almighty Turtle -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/15/2007 6:29:44 AM)

Ok than, if anybody is really interested in where I am, it is California, OK?

Now that that is out of the way....

This thread is NOT to discuss how evil the regimes were. I would hope that everybody would UNDERSTAND that by now. I explicitly said so earlier. I do not think that we have a problem of people whitewashing Stalin, Hitler, the Chrysanthemum Cabal, etc. And, you know what is said, "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

So, for once and for all: were it merely about how evil the thugs in the nice coats sitting in the Fuhrerbunker/Dacha/whatever were, I would not have bothered to make this thread.

Another thing many people think this is is some sort of preaching against playing as the Germans/Soviets/Japanese/etc. This is far from true. I do, like KG Erwin, buy SS units for my German Core Forces, again for their improved gear and stats. It would be hypocritical of me to preach against such things, especially in a Video Game/Wargame. This is a Simulation game based on WWII, not a exact rendition of events in it, complete with war crimes (and sorry to Paradox forums for ripping that off of you.)

What I HAVE noticed is how many people seem to treat the regular German, Soviet, and (to a lesser extent) Japanese armies with kid gloves. They were all doing their jobs, its not like they were any worse than the Western Allies, etc.

However, what people do NOT seem to get is that not all the crimes committed by the regimes they served were done by Secret Policemen or Fanatical private military soldiers. Much of the blood shed was firmly on the cloths of the linemen of those regime's armies. Some of this is well known, ie the Rape of Nanking, the rampages of the Soviets in Eastern Europe, etc.

However, the fact remains that many fail to grasp or outright ignore the constant and widespread involvement of even the regular military in crimes of war. Many people seem to think that the A good primer on the darker side of the Wehrmacht in particular is The History's article, Soviet Prisoners of War: Forgotten Nazi Victims of World War II, which details the cold, calculating extermination of three and a half million Soviet prisoners.

The fact remains, while we all, to one extent or another, know of the crimes committed by groups like the NKVD, the SS, the SA, GRU, and others, we do not accept that the regular armies of those nations were all-too eager to commit crimes alongside those.

So, no, you do not have to stop playing as the SS, or stop playing Russian Steel. That was never my intent, or my agenda (to use KG Erwin's term).

My agenda was to show that, while SPWAW does not posses many Good VS Evil moments or morality lessons, the RL things that happened DID. In Spades. Just because "your" soldiers/computer sprites did nothing does not mean that their real-life equivalent were saints.

No, not every Japanese soldier ate Allied POWs alive (I can understand why some would eat already-dead ones though). However, many,many did.

So, on these forums, at least try to be mature enough, and not devolve into wishy-washy moral equivalence about History, as the German Wehrmacht, IJA, and Red Army were, in large part, far from saintly.

That is my "agenda." Ok?

And Spin? I would appreciate you point out where I have used spin.

Punzer -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/17/2007 8:32:58 PM)

Nobody willing to kill another is a saint. After that it's just a matter of degree to me. I just don't see the problem, but I respect your view Turtle.


Oldguard1970 -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/19/2007 4:37:40 PM)

Gee... and all along I thought I was playing a wargame.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and God bless the soldiers who protect our homes and our freedom.

sabrejack -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/21/2007 1:16:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: The Almighty Turtle

I think this is what you were talking about, so, take a look at this piece of "work."

Wow, I posted in that (locked) thread... I'm part of (evil?) history!


tracer -> RE: Reopening the "moral highground" debate (11/24/2007 5:31:19 PM)

From your tone throughout this thread you seem to think that the individual responsible for all the evils in the world in a MGF-member, and 'you want answers';
I hate to break it to you, but I've never seen anyone fitting that description around here ain't that easy. [sm=innocent0009.gif]

Perhaps the answer you're looking for can be found in the well-known phrase "war brings out the best, and worst, in mankind". To delve into it beyond that simply tears open old wounds, and inflicts new ones.

IMO when Sherman said "War is hell" he summed it up perfectly.

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