Joe D. -> RE: Hit CV Airgroups. What to do? (11/14/2007 1:41:03 AM)
Simply said, if you send a damaged, empty CV to PH, it (eventually) comes back w/o any planes, but also w/o any damage and possibly w/some ship upgrades, i.e., improved AAA. If you send a CV to PH w/planes, it comes back w/those same planes, but at a higher morale rating; however, I wouldn't want to part w/servicable a/c for that long. So you have 2 CVs, one badly damaged but w/its air intact, while the other is CV slightly damaged but w/o any servicable a/c; yes, you could get them into port at Noumea, disband the damaged CV and transfer its servicable a/c to the seaworthy CV. Send the empty, badly damaged CV back to PH, but you may want to keep the seaworthy CV at Noumea 'til its system damage ratings are out of the red. I think the slightly damaged CV will repair faster at Noumea if it's kept disbanded in port.