Vic -> RE: Tutorial: Alternate Random Games (11/18/2007 5:56:48 PM)
To know what you can and cannot specify in the rulevars and what else you must and cannot do. I will now address all important points bullet by bullet. 1. The random game algorithm checks if rulevar(418) = 1 , if it is not the process will be aborted. 2. The random game algorithm uses the LT specified in rulevar(401) to fill the map with water, unless a 100% land map is specified or rulevar(401)=-1, in that case the map is filled with the LT specified in rulevar(402) 3. The random generator presumes no regime is present in the masterfile. Make sure your masterfile also has no regimes in the regimelist. 4. The random generator adds the number of specified regimes and gives them random colours, flags, unit and names. 5. Rivers are not painted if you specify either -1 for rulevar(407) or for rulevar(408), you can specify the same river # for both rulevars. 6. Mountains are not painted if you specify either -1 for rulevar(403) or for rulevar(404), you can specify the same LandscapeType # for both rulevars 7. VPWin is always set to 80% of total VP on map 8. All regimes are set at war with eachother 9. Each regime gets a capitol LocType specified in rulevar(410) and gets a free first Hq unit with in it SFType # specified in rulevar(411) in a quantity specified in rulevar(412). The people of the regime is always people # 0. 10. All town names are hardcoded. The inhabitants of each town are always people #0. 11. Rulevar(413) is the smallest town, Rulevar(414) is bit bigger, Rulevar(415) even more and Rulevar(416) is the biggest town. All these 4 rulevars must refer to a valid LocType #. 12. If you dont want to use a certain landscape like swamps then just specify a different LandscapeType, Plains for example or light forest. 13. There must always be a road type and a bridge defined in the masterfile. It is impossible to make a random games capable masterfile without roads or bridges. Make sure to set rulevar(409) to a valid roadtype. (though if you set rivers to -1 and roads to -1 as well i think it might work - no guarantee though) 14. The random game will also use any action cards and events defined in the masterfile. Make sure they will work with any random game if you put or let them into your masterfile. The random game will also use all the peoples defined in the masterfile. 15. Keep in mind predefined units defined in the masterfile will not be available in the random game. 16. Make sure all the landscapetype rulevars i have not mentioned here also have valid LandscapeTypes assigned to them. 17. Sprite 0 is used for the painting of all LandscapeTypes.