jadam12 -> RE: Problems with ModSwap utility (11/25/2007 6:12:46 AM)
I've downloaded from http://www.closecombat.org/CSO/index.php?name=UpDownload&req=getit&lid=41 Ah, sorry my bad. It is not that, but another western front mod, named Western Front Grand Campaign. Anyway that problem is with any of the mods I install, not just with the aforementioned one. And now I have another problem, somehow when I uninstalled the vietnam mod modswap did something wrong, as I still have VietnameV2 in the installed mods list, but it is not installed, I cannot remove it from the list (not even via uninstall function). So as I said I have this kind of mess with all the mods I install, what am I doing wrong? Thanks