Replay (Full Version)

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Brizane -> Replay (11/25/2007 5:09:05 PM)

First, thank you all for the answer on my QB Progression reads. You were all correct, in that I had "run" selected, and not pass, and thus, it was not offering me the options.

Now.... is there a replay feature on the field plays of the PDS? I want to watch my receivers off their blocks, and into their cuts. I want to see the DB, and how he cuts when my receiver does certain things in his pattern. Is there a replay feature on the PDS?

And, is there a way to stay on the field, keep the same created play, and select a different, or multiple plays to practice against?

Thank you all for your time.


dreamtheatervt -> RE: Replay (11/25/2007 7:36:47 PM)

The answer to both of your questions is no.  I'd love to see replay with controls be added when ever the player wants a replay (like in FPS).

Everytime you want a new defense, you have to go back to the diagram field and pick a new defensive play.

Marauders -> RE: Replay (11/25/2007 11:18:35 PM)


Brizane asked: ... is there a replay feature on the field plays of the PDS? I want to watch my receivers off their blocks, and into their cuts. I want to see the DB, and how he cuts when my receiver does certain things in his pattern. Is there a replay feature on the PDS?

There isn't a selectable replay feature in the PDS.


And, is there a way to stay on the field, keep the same created play, and select a different, or multiple plays to practice against?

No, one must back out and reselect the defense.

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