MarkShot -> Torp evasion strategies for surface ships? (12/2/2007 5:09:46 AM)
What types of torpedoes are modeled in the game:? (1) Dumb torpedoes - WWII style straight runners. (2) Self guiding active torpedoes - Run to rough target intercept. Enables active sonar and guides to target. (3) Self guiding passive torpedoes (aka wake homers) - Run to rought intercept. Follows ship wakes to target. (4) Wire guided torpedoes - Despite self guidance the launching platform actively retargets the weapon until the weapon has acquired the target. What if any search patterns are modeled in the game (actually modeled or just included in the calculations):? (1) S search pattern. (2) Circular search pattern. (3) Figure 8 search pattern. (4) Ladder search pattern. (5) Expanding/shrinking box search pattern. My surface group had torpedoes fired at it. So, what is the best way to evade? Do I have any way to know if I am evading an active or passive torpedo? I made turns roughly 45 degrees to the right or left of the bearing of the torpedos running at max group speed. The idea being to attempt to foil their solution and continue to open the range. Yet, from 5 to 6 miles away these torpedos kept reacquiring my ships. It was pretty impressive to watch. So, I am wondering were they being wire guided? My group was pinging with active sonar would I have been better off having shut the sonar down in case the torpedoes were being wire guided. Of course if they were being wire guided via periscope observations, then I should have made sure to try open the distance with the original bearing and probably launch area. Any ideas? Thanks.