Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (Full Version)

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MrQuiet -> Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (12/2/2007 6:20:03 PM)

EDIT (Tournament format has been edited to have both mods playing at the same time.)

Hello everyone:

With all of the hard work and well thought out ideas implimented in the High Quality Mods that have been recently released I would like to start a sort of lightning tournament to produce feedback for the authors of these Mods.

This tourney is more based on fun and experimentation than hard core tournament play. There will be a large enough incentive for quick play and aar screenshots that the authors should gain good feedback fairly quickly. Another feature of this tourny that many have requested is that each player will only have one game going at a time.

Here is how it works:

I need 8 players including myself.
Players will receive a Player number according to where they fall on the player list in alphabetical order.
There are 4 Rounds
Players are required to be playing the game in the current round, but have the option to play games of future rounds if they and there opponent agree.

First player number is Axis vs Second player number (allied)
Round 1
Player#--vs-- Player#---Mod
1) 1 vs 2 GG
2) 3 vs 4 GG
3) 5 vs 6 UV
4) 7 vs 8 UV

Round 2
1) 2 vs 3 UV
2) 4 vs 1 UV
3) 6 vs 7 GG
4) 8 vs 5 GG

Round 3
1) 1 vs 5 UV
2) 3 vs 7 UV
3) 2 vs 6 GG
4) 4 vs 8 GG

Round 4
1) 7 vs 1 GG
2) 5 vs 3 GG
3) 6 vs 4 UV
4) 8 vs 2 UV

Victory Points
-Decisive Victory: +30
- Substantive Victory: +25
- Marginal Victory: +20
- Draw: +15
- Marginal Defeat: +10
- Substantive Defeat: +5
- Decisive Defeat: +0

All players are required to post in a AAR thread for each turn as soon they send the turn. I will be using the times the post was recorded on the forum to determine 'Quick Play Points'
Basicly if you return a file within 24 hours (+30 min grace period) of your opponent sending it (according to thread post) you will recieve 1/2 point for each turn you meet this requirement. If you fail to post in the thread for a turn then your opponent will get the 1/2 point by default. There is no penalty for taking more than 24hrs.

If your AAR post also contains a screenshot from your turn (game season/year must be included in SS even if you have to cut and paste it) then you will recieve another 1/2 point for each turn that meets this requirement.

So with about 25 turns you could gain 25 extra points by playing quick and submitting ScreenShots in your AARs.

All games will have Advanced Supplies on, End Date on, Auto Victory on.

If you are interested post in this thread, when we have 8 players we will kick it off.

Happy Hunting

p.s. Oh yea, there will be a prize for top score.

MrQuiet -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/2/2007 6:20:41 PM)

Tournament Player Current Scores as of March30, 2008

1) Boerwar-----------30----------------7.5------------10-------------47.5
2) Lebatron----------MIA
3) Marshall Art-------0----------------11.5----------12.5-------------24
4) MrQuiet-----------30----------------5------------12.5-------------47.5
5) Sandeman--------5---------------10.5-----------11--------------26.5
6) SGT Rice---------25---------------12.5----------12.5--------------50
7) GKar------------------------------------------------------------------0
8) xianing------------30---------------6.5-------------7---------------43.5

1) GKar

First player number is Axis vs Second player number (allied)
Round 1
Ax vs All Mod
1) 1 vs 2 GG Boerwar vs Lebatron-----------Axis DV/Allied Forfiet
2) 3 vs 4 GG Marshall Art vs MrQuiet-------Allied Decisive Victory
3) 5 vs 6 UV Sandeman vs SGT Rice-------Allied SV
4) 7 vs 8 UV Lucky1 vs xianing-------------Allied Decisive Victory

Round 2
1) 2 vs 3 UV Lebtron vs Marshall Art
2) 4 vs 1 UV MrQuiet vs Boerwar
3) 6 vs 7 GG SGT Rice vs GKar
4) 8 vs 5 GG xianing vs Sandeman

Round 3
1) 1 vs 5 UV BoerWar vs Sandeman
2) 3 vs 7 UV Marshall Art vs GKar
3) 2 vs 6 GG Lebatron vs SGT Rice
4) 4 vs 8 GG MrQuiet vs xianing

Round 4
1) 7 vs 1 GG GKar vs Boerwar
2) 5 vs 3 GG Sandeman vs Marshall Art
3) 6 vs 4 UV SGT Rice vs MrQuiet
4) 8 vs 2 UV xianing vs Lebatron

Victory Points
-Decisive Victory: +30
- Substantive Victory: +25
- Marginal Victory: +20
- Draw: +15
- Marginal Defeat: +10
- Substantive Defeat: +5
- Decisive Defeat: +0

Lebatron -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/6/2007 5:06:37 PM)

MrQuiet, I think your asking to much of players. Six rounds to provide Brian and I feedback will take much to long. I also don't feel the rounds are set up to be very fair to UV2.0. GG is getting all the Glory(pun intended). First, I have to wait around for rounds 1 and 2 to finish before I recieve feedback on UV2.0. Second, rounds 5 and 6 go back to GG for yet more testing on my map. What's the point of that? Map comments don't have to be done twice.

If the point of this tourny is to provide quick feedback for the advanced scenarios, what I suggest you do is run both at the same time. Each player could be set up by you to play one scenario as the Allies and the other as the Axis. In this way, the demands on the player would only be two not four games. For round two you switch them to play the opposite side. Two rounds should be all we need. Final player rankings in each scenario can be declared once round two is over.

If you will run a short 2 round tourny like this, then count me in.

BTW, I like the quick play points your using to encourage fast turnarounds.

BoerWar -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/8/2007 5:28:36 AM)

I'm willing, please sign me up if you have room.

WanderingHead -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/9/2007 8:58:08 AM)

I've been pondering how I would respond to this for a few days. Obviously, I support the venture, it will be invaluable to scenario improvement, the question is "can I play?".

I can definitely not play more than one game at a time. I was thinking I could join, but with the holidays coming and the way work is going I'm afraid I will have to pass. I'd say maybe January, but then my big deadlines are actually looming in early '08.

I do hope it can go forward. I regret that I can't commit.

MrQuiet -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/12/2007 12:41:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lebatron

MrQuiet, I think your asking to much of players. Six rounds to provide Brian and I feedback will take much to long. I also don't feel the rounds are set up to be very fair to UV2.0. GG is getting all the Glory(pun intended). First, I have to wait around for rounds 1 and 2 to finish before I recieve feedback on UV2.0. Second, rounds 5 and 6 go back to GG for yet more testing on my map. What's the point of that? Map comments don't have to be done twice.

If the point of this tourny is to provide quick feedback for the advanced scenarios, what I suggest you do is run both at the same time. Each player could be set up by you to play one scenario as the Allies and the other as the Axis. In this way, the demands on the player would only be two not four games. For round two you switch them to play the opposite side. Two rounds should be all we need. Final player rankings in each scenario can be declared once round two is over.

If you will run a short 2 round tourny like this, then count me in.

BTW, I like the quick play points your using to encourage fast turnarounds.

I have changed it to 4 rounds.
Each player will still only be required to play one game at a time but they have the option to play more if there future opponents agree.
I have changed it so both mods are getting played in every round.
I have changed it to a rigid 8 player tournament with all match ups for all rounds predetermined.

First player number is Axis vs Second player number (allied)
Round 1
Player#--vs-- Player#---Mod
1) 1 vs 2 GG
2) 3 vs 4 GG
3) 5 vs 6 UV
4) 7 vs 8 UV

Round 2
1) 2 vs 3 UV
2) 4 vs 1 UV
3) 6 vs 7 GG
4) 8 vs 5 GG

Round 3
1) 1 vs 5 UV
2) 3 vs 7 UV
3) 2 vs 6 GG
4) 4 vs 8 GG

Round 4
1) 7 vs 1 GG
2) 5 vs 3 GG
3) 6 vs 4 UV
4) 8 vs 2 UV

Victory Points, AAR Points and Quick Play points have remained the same.
I hope we get enough players


xianing -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/12/2007 8:10:45 PM)

Count me in for the tournament, so we need still 5 people? I think it is not balanced because 2 person just meet once so they couldnt change side.
I propose a 4-person quick tournament like this
1) 1 vs 2 GG
2) 2 vs 1 GG
3) 3 vs 4 GG
4) 4 vs 3 GG

5) winner of 12 vs winner of 34 UV
6) winner of 34 vs winner of 12 UV
7) loser of 12 vs loser of 34 UV
8) loser of 34 vs loser of 12 UV

if the winner of 78 has never meet the loser of 56, there should be a additional game between them to decide who is the second.

So everyone tries 4 games with both sides and both mod. and we know the rank.

The winner will be the one who did better in his axis turn. Means if two AV, compare the AV year, or if they all survive to end of the game, we can compare the highest watermark. If it is the same, compare the score. 

AV turn > survive > highest watermark>final axis score

xianing -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/12/2007 8:29:59 PM)

In addition, the two game between the same player should begin in the same time, to prevent the second has a advantage of knowing the first Axis result. For example if in the first game my opponent survive and got max 65 VP. In my axis turn I will try to get 66 VP and then put emphasis on defence just to survive.
If two game begin in same time, everyone will try a AV first because they don't know the other result. That is more real because the goal for a war is first to win but not to survive utill some known date.

MrQuiet -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/12/2007 11:34:21 PM)

Thanks for your suggestions xianing.
Like I posted in the first post this tournament is more for fun, experimenting and feedback then hardcore tourny play.
I purposely set it up so no one plays the same player twice yet everyone plays both sides of both mods eventually.
Also, I dont want to make players have to play more than one game at a time, yet I left it optional if they and there opponents do want to.
And I have never been a fan of 'mirror games'

I am adding you to the list.
I have a strong feeling you are going to be player 8


SGT Rice -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (udated format) (12/13/2007 3:58:31 AM)


I'll volunteer.

SGT Rice

Sandeman -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/13/2007 3:59:19 AM)

Sign me up MrQ

Lebatron -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/13/2007 5:12:53 AM)

I like the new format much better. Include me in. 

Marshall Art -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/14/2007 9:12:00 PM)

Hi, I'll be happy to join. Just as an idea why not randomizing the positions 1-8 before we start round 1? Not that I am against being No. 1 (for Art) or 3-5 (for Marshall), I just think that it is not the greatest idea going by Nickname.

I also suggest to set a start date for round one once the 8 man field is full. Say 3 days after MrQ posts to start the games. I do not look into the forums daily at the moment and probably others no not either. So I would not know when to start a game within 24 hours. Let's count 24 hours after both players have made their first turn.

MrQuiet -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/14/2007 11:49:40 PM)

Welcome Marshall Art.
I am using the first letter of forum name 'M' for you which seems pretty random to me but I am open to other ideas. (possibly the last letter?)
The start date is the date we have 8 players.
If you happen to be Allied in round 1 then you will know its 'game on' when you get a opening turn from your opponent.
If you happen to be Axis in round 1 then the 24hr clock starts when you send your first move.


Lebatron -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/22/2007 12:52:16 AM)

It looks like we need one more. The door is open. Step right in.

MrQuiet -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/25/2007 9:39:52 PM)

There must be One more player out there that is interested in competing with these new mods.
Dont be shy, step right up, no one in this tourney will bite ya.
You can be a part of showing the authors of the mods the fruits of their 'labor of love'.

Tom Hunter -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/27/2007 3:11:04 AM)

I'll join, but only for one game at a time.

I don't have the time to play more than one and post a decent AAR. Plus a lack of experience is going to get me clobbered, and I would rather only get clobbered once a day.

MrQuiet -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/27/2007 3:05:30 PM)

Well well well, now we have the magic 8.
No problem Tom you are only committed to the game in the current round.

Gentlemen, start your engines!
Use UV 2.1 for Round 1 UV games.
GG can be found in the AWD 1.2 version.

Remember to post in AAR as soon as you send your turn so that I can track the Quick Play Points.
To get the half point per turn you need to send your move within 24hrs (+30 min grace period) of your opponents post.
Also you can get another half point if your AAR post has at least one screen shot must include season/year (even if you have to cut/paste it)

Enjoy and Happy Hunting

xianing -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/27/2007 4:28:44 PM)

Thanks to MrQ for excellent organisation.
So I wait for Tom's first UV turn at

Lebatron -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (12/27/2007 5:07:52 PM)

I just want to stress to everyone to read UV2.1's readme so your not caught off guard during the toury. I believe I did cover all the major changes that would impact your strategy. If you have any questions that my readme does not satisfy feel free to ask.

Good luck to all[:)]

MrQuiet -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament (1/3/2008 6:15:09 AM)

Tom Hunter has been unresponsive to pms and emails.
He has been replaced by Lucky1.
Good luck Lucky.

That is all, carry on.

Tom Hunter -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (1/3/2008 10:38:20 PM)


I had a serious computer crash (it went back to Dell in a box) not a huge problem if I have been replaced but I did swap emails explaining the problem with my opponent over in France.

Should I send him a turn next week when I am back up and running, or just skip this round?


xianing -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (1/3/2008 11:09:12 PM)

Yes, Tom did send me a email to say he will get the computer repaired next week. And then I received the turn save from Lucky1.
To not delay the advance of round 1, I've begun the game with Lucky1, but I would be glad to have another game with Tom when he is ready.

MrQuiet -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (1/3/2008 11:41:37 PM)

Tom, I sure wish you had sent that email to me also.
I would have held your spot in the tournament.
I saw a couple days ago that you read my pm to you but I got no reply so I started to give up.
I saw Lucky1 posting for a mod game so I asked him to step in for you.
I am not sure how to handle this now since all match ups are pre-determined and Lucky1 vs xianing game is underway.

I can put you on a alternate list in case someone should drop out.

Lucky1 -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (1/3/2008 11:59:12 PM)

Hi all,

Seems that Tom is alive and well.... Insofar that he was the original scheduled participant, I will hand the reins over to him at any time, should he so desire. For the time being, however, I will keep playing.



Tom Hunter -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (1/4/2008 6:05:56 PM)

Since Sean has started his game I think it is fair for him to keep going.

Put me on the list as an alternate, chances are someone will drop out sooner or later.


MrQuiet -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (1/4/2008 11:33:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tom Hunter

Since Sean has started his game I think it is fair for him to keep going.

Put me on the list as an alternate, chances are someone will drop out sooner or later.


Your a good sport Tom and I am sorry to say your quote above is probably right if history is any indication.
You will be first on the list.


Lucky1 -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (1/5/2008 1:56:30 AM)

Thanks Tom. In the circumstances, I really don't mind you taking over at any point. Certainly, do not be afraid to resume your place for the second round... In the meantime, if you are still looking for a game, I would be willing....



Tom Hunter -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (1/6/2008 9:34:48 PM)

I strongly suspect that Mr. Quiet is right, and someone will drop out.  I have experience with that over in WitP as well.  I only have time to run one game, so I am going to sit tight and lurk until someone vanishes.  I will try to check in once every day or two so that I can step in when needed. 


Lebatron -> RE: Lightning Mod Tournament GAME ON! (1/7/2008 12:02:39 AM)

Tom, you've watched to many X-files. People just don't vanish[8|]

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