HerzKaraya -> RE: Leaders, Airdrops and Malta invasions (12/10/2007 7:45:53 PM)
I guess he means that if the leader is rated as 6, he adds 12 (2x6) to the effectiveness potential of the surrounding units. But, is there a limit to the number of units he affects, or does he benefit all units within the 8 hex radius? If two leaders overlap, does the stronger one prevail? Or the closer one? I hope on future patches there is a chance to use paradrop units, letīs say spending a big amout of points to "prep" a certain unit, so you have to use the option wisely. About invading one hex islands, it is really a pain that after invading Britain succesfully I have to use several bombers and ships to reduce the garrison in Scapa Flow. Thanks for your help, guys![&o]