Getting the ball rolling (Full Version)

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trw2264 -> Getting the ball rolling (12/5/2007 9:14:09 PM)

Been waiting for this game for 4 years and playing it for many years before that. Looking to get involved in a PBEM game.

Email is

Thomas Whitfield

hardcoremtnbiker -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/5/2007 9:27:42 PM)

Same here Thomas sent you an email

Odysseus -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/5/2007 9:34:18 PM)

I'd also like to get involved in a game. However, since I have no idea of how much time this might gobble up, I'm just not sure if I dare make a commitment for another two weeks or so. Still tons of work that has to be done, and I'm not sure if I could summon the self-discipline needed for having the game on the same computer for the time being...[:D] So, what do you guys think - how many hours/week would a full pbem set take, with all major powers as players?

hardcoremtnbiker -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/5/2007 9:46:06 PM)

no idea.....not sure of the eacts flow of the PBEM...I would think it might be a little time consuming at first

Khornish -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/5/2007 10:00:13 PM)

I'm wanting to play PBEM as well. I've never played the board game, but I read the heck out of the rules years ago.

I'll stick with a game, even if I am getting my rear end handed to me, because I want to learn how to play it well.

I am glad the game is finally here.

My email:

If you email me, please put EiA in the subject somewhere or my filter will delete it.

Richard12345 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/5/2007 10:32:31 PM)

Also interested

email -

Monadman -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/5/2007 10:35:43 PM)

FYI . . .

I’m available to arbitrate one or more PBEM games should any of you be interested and ready to try a PBEM game. Just send me a PM when your seven-member playgroup is formed and I’ll get your game up and running.



Panzeh -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 12:31:40 AM)

count me interested

trw2264 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 12:38:13 AM)


So far we have five; myself, hardcoremtnbiker, khormsh, qtheblizz and richard123456789. A possible would be odysseus.

I would like to thank Monadman (Richard) for offering to be the arbitrator and, speaking for myself, would like to take you up on your offer.


To answer your question about time, a lot depends on what country you play, the time of year during the game, etc. Usually, the very begining takes the bulk of time to set up, diplomacy and then the first non-winter month might see a lot of dow's on minors. But there can be slow periods in the game.

I have not approached everybody about how often they would like to turn around their turns. In my opinion the quicker the better so as to hold individual attentions and to lower player losses over the course of the game.


Monadman -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 1:00:56 AM)


I take it that you will be the host of the game? If so, after the group is established and decides which game options will be in play, PM me with everyone’s email address and I’ll get this game started for you all.

I’m here when you’re ready.


trw2264 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 1:05:49 AM)


Sure I will host, just a very small way in giving back to the snail-mail EIA games that were GM'ed by dedicated individuals. Once we get the final group in place I will pm you with the particulars.


scotswahay -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 1:05:55 AM)

:), I would also be interested, although, with Christmas getting close I will be away for a week, with no access to the game.


JavaJoe -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 1:07:34 AM)

Throw me into the mix I can help move the game from the inside..


trw2264 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 1:14:07 AM)


So far we have six; myself, hardcoremtnbiker, khormsh, qtheblizz, javajoe and richard123456789. A possible would be odysseus or scotswahay.


I understand your situation and would like to see this game up and running ASAP, to take care of the long-term desire to finally play! [:)]


therockyfroggy -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 1:23:11 AM)

I can play if there's a spot left.

I played the boardgame once years ago....but will download the game tonight and will spend the night getting up to speed and ready to send in a turn....if there's space for me.


JavaJoe -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 1:28:31 AM)


You have me email? Or should i send it to you?

trw2264 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 1:29:42 AM)


Looks like we have our seven: myself, hardcoremtnbiker, khormsh, qtheblizz, javajoe, therockyfroggy and richard123456789.

I will email this group in a short time to have us vote on the options and general turn turn-around idea. If, for some reason a member does not feel comfortable with the options or the time committment then we will look to find a new replacement(s).


Monadman -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 2:06:01 AM)




You have me email? Or should i send it to you?

Who are you? [sm=00000280.gif]



trw2264 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 2:23:26 AM)


I have sent an email to: hardcoremtnbiker, khormsh, qtheblizz, javajoe, therockyfroggy and richard123456789, and I did not get any bounce backs, so far anyway, so if you did not receive an email from me, let me know at


Murat -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 2:29:28 AM)

I am also open to getting involved in a PBEM if we have more interested and committed :)

tbone1218 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 3:23:22 AM)

Ready for getting involved in a PBEM game.

Odysseus -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 3:41:20 AM)

Damn temptation! Damn it! Damn!'s my e-mail: damn temptation...damn...

TheBug67 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 5:43:51 AM)

I'm interested in a PBEM game if a second one is forming:

gazfun -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 9:06:13 AM)

This group looking for players anywhere in the world, sign up and introduce yourself here guys [:)]

Rosen -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 12:20:50 PM)

Hey Gaz

You know me from LG beta. Im in for a game with anyone....

Durass -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 1:00:45 PM)

I am interested in a PBEM game, too.

Ashtar -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 3:25:46 PM)

I am interested in a PBEM game, too, if anyone is setting up one.

thx1138 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 6:43:24 PM)

i am also interested


trw2264 -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 6:53:34 PM)

The game that I originally started is full and thanks for your interest. I would suggest that individuals post seperate threads for offers to start games like Durass has done in his thread LFG and somebody take the initiative in starting a game up. It was not too much work and pretty easy, just go to the front part of the instructions for a list of the options and have everybody vote or just state what the options are before people sign up so they can determine if they are interested or not, we settled on a 48 hour game turn-around time and a few days for starting diplomacy and then decide if you would want to have an arbitrator or not. I am sure there will be some people that would be willing to be an arbitrator.


gazfun -> RE: Getting the ball rolling (12/6/2007 10:25:31 PM)



Hey Gaz

You know me from LG beta. Im in for a game with anyone....

Hi Rosen welcome to come on board, go to the link and sign on, and anyone else for that matter[:)]

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