yammahoper -> RE: Interface feedback (12/24/2007 12:29:43 AM)
2) The attack chart is simple. The numbers mean Casualty and Moral levels on the attack table. So a 4-1 attack is resolved by cross indexing the 4th casualty colum (at the top of the table) with the 1st moral column (on the left side of the table). The chits are cross indexed in the same manner, assualt against defender, providing the three sets of numbers that are applied to the attack table to resolve a combat. With this information you can easily determine which attacks and defenses are best against what, though national mods do apply to some attacks and dense, in addition to swamps, forest, mountains, etc. Page 70 in the rule book provides al this info under "Combat Tables". 3) The Current Nation Statistics box is what you want. It shows all reinforcements that are due and soon to arrive (you can click through the upcoming months to see what is coming, while it shows you what is due this month and nezt by default). I keep that box open for most of the game. 4) I SO agree. 5) this warning proves to be relative the cash you have versus how much you intend to spend. In the board game, going bankrupt cost pp, but apparently not in the computer version. As Turkey, I recieved this warning all the time, as GB, never. 8) Corps without leader use their defaul Strategic/Tactical ratings. For Fr and GB, this is 2-2 (better than some generals, lol). For all other nations, it 1-1. See page 105 of the manuel for how ratings are reduced for leaders and corps and the table that shows how they effect combat (in short, strategic ratings are compared providing malus for both sides). 9) You need to have adjacent corps that will not be involved in another battle that turn. A roll is made against the strategic rating of the corp/commander and if successful, they arrive after the first round and help out, or after the second. Page 76 of the manuel. Can't help ya on six. It happens to me too. yamma