Winter Quarters - Game Starting (Full Version)

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cckcdw -> Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/7/2007 12:46:57 PM)

Staring New Game Winter Quarters!


  • Six More Players
  • Arbitrator to start us off
  • Select Host
  • Select game pace (How long between turns?)
  • Make Bids
  • Game on

Hi Guys,
I am looking to host a new game. I don't mind if people have experience or not. Learning game or EiA Grognards.
I am in Townsville, Australia (GMT +10)

Let me know if you are interested in playing or acting as the arbitrator to start us up.

Send email to with your email address and your matrix forum login id.
Or reply here


Suvorov928 -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/7/2007 2:04:49 PM)

YES! Sign me up.  I have experience playing EiA and would love to play again.  Main reason I could not wait for this game to come out.  

Irish Guards -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/7/2007 2:41:49 PM)

Sounds like a reasonable idea to get involved in a few games .... [:'(]
Maybe 7 .. play each country ... [X(]
I have some experience with the ADG games .. [8|]

pakron -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/7/2007 4:19:05 PM)

I'm in. Haven't played it in a quite a few years, but it's a blast.

Pans -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/7/2007 5:04:04 PM)

Hi Kelvin,

I´m ready to play.
At least I´ve played that as a board game some 15 years ago.

I´m located in North-Germany - so GMT +01 - that´s quite a lot of time difference, but this is what PBEM are good for.

Let´s have fun and join me in!


Monadman -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/7/2007 5:07:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: cckcdw


  • Arbitrator to start us off


I’m your Huckleberry . . . . [:)]


Lord Wolsey -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/7/2007 6:57:01 PM)

I'll play. Low experience with EiA, but learning quickly.

Murat -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/7/2007 7:47:11 PM)

I guess that makes me the 7th. Bid sent to Monadman.

I would recommend 48 hours (keep in mind that is per person so potentially we could have a week between your turns).
Russia hosts (whomever wins that bid) so they can get us started)
Monadman arbitrates.

bumpa -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/7/2007 8:52:21 PM)

Kevin, looks like you may have sevn players at ready but I'm interested if you still have an openning.  Thanks, Pat.

cckcdw -> Winter Quarters - Game Full (12/8/2007 2:58:16 AM)

Hi All,

I had 10 responses.
I assigned players based on first in best dressed.
So six of the 10 got spots plus me.

I will be opening another call to arms for a new game of EiANW called Eagle Rising in the next few minutes for the people who missed this game. I would like to play in that game too so we would only need 2 more players to have it kicked off.

The players for Winter Quarters are:
Winter Quarters
Forum          Email
cckcdw        OK
Suvarov928  Needed
Mammou     OK
pakron         OK
Tjalfe           OK
Pans            Needed
bumpa         Needed

Mondaman    OK

Can those who haven't emailed their email address to do so now.
While those arrive I will get in touch with Mondaman and read the manual ([:)]) on setting up
We should be up and running in the next 24 hours or so.
I guess once the bids are in we will need to do some diplomacy before setup?

pakron -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Full (12/8/2007 6:27:14 AM)

I'm GMT -6 btw.

pakron -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/8/2007 6:43:24 AM)

Oops, didn't send in my bid. I'll do that in a few.

DavidFaust -> RE: Winter Quarters - Game Starting (12/8/2007 8:43:22 AM)

If there is still room, ill be intrested

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