hueglin -> RE: Battalion question (12/11/2007 12:57:39 AM)
It really depends on the battalion type, the terrain and the mission. In general, a modern mech division could defend a frontage of about 20-30km. With 2 Brigades forward and each Bde having 2 Bns forward that would give a frontage per Bn of 5-7 km. This would be considered the maximum when defending against a competent mechanized opponent. This involves covering large areas just with long range ATGW fire and mortars. A company of infantry will generally not spread out farther than 1 sq km (actual extent of area occupied). With 2 coys forward this means that there are 3-5 km that are just being covered by fire. This is all from memory, but I am pretty sure it is close to the mark. Of course, as I said, terrain and mission will modify this greatly. Hope it helps. Dave