DodgyDave -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 1:38:12 AM)
Murat, the original game, have a A4 carton (hope that is spelled right) with info on two pages, front page top part, show reinforcement, second economic and manpower and last part corps and fleet strenghts, thats just 1 page and the A4 lets you keep track of your own nation along with 6 minor states! in this game, i have to constantly click 3d button from the left, once or twice for my own nation and each minor, along with clicking on each minor corps to see what they got and then make sure there is enough money on each nation. To me, it seems silly, that what was on 1 A4 page in the original game, have been spread out into 3 places and to find out your current reinforcent, you need to click each month, to see what is coming, thats just alot of work for what, keeping stuff hidden for you? lol so yes, i suggest they make it simple and easier to get an overview off, like using the normal turn sheet as the original game had, instead of complicating things as they have done. but its only a suggestion :)