Overwiew of my troops (Full Version)

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Anfield1 -> Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 1:17:02 PM)

Hi Matrix

Im missing an owerview over my troops: A troop sheet se this link: http://eia.xnetz.com/Forms/oob-fr.pdf

Im missing a pop up , vhen a country becomes my alliey?????
I think theres a lot of information that get into the log, insted of pop ups???
Vhen im playing France I can´t get troops into the artelly corps??????

But thanks for a great game, I dont get a lot of sleep[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

Thomas from Denmark

Twotribes -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 1:40:42 PM)

You can get a list of all forces under your command with strength and location and supply state. There is a box in the top left for that. You can also find all States you control with a click on the right box up there also.

Monadman -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 2:33:46 PM)

Yeah, what Twotribes said . . . [:)]

Try using the “View Units Report” and the “Nation Status Overview” buttons found on the top menu bar. The former will give you a text report of your units; strength, location, supply status and the means to find the unit on the map. The latter will show the diplomatic status of every major power and minor country.



DodgyDave -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 3:38:15 PM)

well as anfield1 says, i also would like the old boardgame info, as its easier to look at then this game setup also i would like the old economic sheet as well, because i have sofare missed a Free state in economics, because i thought i had done it or forgotten, i had just changed one to FS lol with the original sheet, i would know that i am missing 1.

also when you are ordering troops in the economic phase, i think you should actually be told, how much is possible in the corps total and how much you already got, as i normally have to cancel building, to look at corps and see what i have coming, this is normally on the same nation turn sheet, which is very practical.

Shaharaim -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 4:32:55 PM)

I vote for this as well.

I'm currently playing as Spain so keeping an eye on my corps is not too bad, but it would be nice to have a one page source of seeing what is in corps already and what the total available spaces are so you can quickly determine what you can or need to purchase for the future.

If nothing else, perhaps a quick improvement would be to color code the corps summary/location page. Any full corp counter factors could be colored one thing and any spots with room for more factors could be another color.

Marshall Ellis -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 4:36:33 PM)

How bout a warning message if you have no purchased corps in the eco phase that tells you what's coming up in the next quarter?

DodgyDave -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 5:44:56 PM)

that would perhaps be ok, but i miss the old sheets :)

DodgyDave -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 5:48:13 PM)

well also remember, you need a warning, if you are ordering too many cavalry, guard and artillery then, to me, it seems that the sheets that was in the original boardgame did make it more easy to coordinate as all the info you needed on this was on 1 sheet or page if you like.

chuckj118 -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 7:22:24 PM)

A warning would be great marshall.  For corps purchases.

Another warning for over building Cav, Gds, or Art would also be good...of course sometimes you might want to do this.

Another nice thing to have would be some button or method to click that would add up all the forces in one of your armies and give you totals and morale level.  Knowing your army includes 14 Cav, 90 Inf, and 13 Militia = 117 troops, moral 3.55, would be a nice touch. 

Mynok -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 7:26:28 PM)

May I offer an divergent suggestion? What possible reason (other than keeping faithful to the boardgame) could there be for not allowing separate cavalry and artillery strength points on the map sans corps counter?? Hmm?

The boardgame didn't have it for cost reasons. There's no logical reason to not have such strength points available in this game.

megalomania2003 -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 8:06:24 PM)

Actually there is a reason. It would change the game balance if you could keep a reserve of those "special troops" above what your corps allow you.

Mynok -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 8:13:31 PM)


Murat -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 9:57:22 PM)

Again, similar to my post in the thread on the pop-up info screens, this game punishes the lazy - it always has.  You can see what you have coming in if you just look at your country data. Several sources exist on the web where you can download sheets like the one mentioned in this thread. If you find yourself making this mistake a lot, just write in your purchases on one of those sheets.  You can overbuy if you wish, they will just have to be converted to infantry if you cannot place them.  You should not be able to stockpile 'extra' cavalry, guard or artillery units above your corps level. You need to have some rebuild time to replace your losses. The elite units would lose discipline in garrisoning roles and it always seemed to me to be the underlying reason for them coming in as infantry if they could not be placed in a corp.

BoerWar -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 10:09:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Marshall Ellis

How bout a warning message if you have no purchased corps in the eco phase that tells you what's coming up in the next quarter?

It would be nice if there was a build display sheet (maybe similar to the one in GGWAWAWD) that you could select which showed what you have coming each month over the course of the next 3-6 months.

Murat -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 10:22:32 PM)

Inside the game, 3d button from the left gives you the info on your country and on the bottom left of that page is a reinforcements area. You can click through and see what is coming up each month.

DodgyDave -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 10:26:21 PM)

still murat, why should i download these turnsheets and print them out? why not include those into the game, they where afterall a part of the game and they actually made it way more simple to keep track of what was done, how much you had and when it was coming.

megalomania2003 -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 11:15:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: megalomania2003

Actually there is a reason. It would change the game balance if you could keep a reserve of those "special troops" above what your corps allow you.

Expound ->

If a country loses guard or artillery it will take longer time to rebuild it. This has to be taken into consideration when fighting a war. When you build guard or cavalry you have to make sure to keep the relevant corps with a supply line to your homeland - or waste the money. This affects how you can deploy and use your "special" corps".

I have played several games and seen it affect wars and/or seen expensive guards converted to infantry. True the computer could keep track of this, but the limits in the corps were also originally set to reflect the military capability of the nations at that time. There were a limit to how easily elite formations (guards) could be rebuilt

twb3 -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 11:22:33 PM)

> Actually there is a reason. It would change the game balance if you could keep a reserve of those "special troops" above what your corps allow you.

> Expound.......

The EinA boardgame enforces a limit on the number of SP of Cavalry, Guards, and Artillery because these types of troops can only exist when placed in a Corps counter that can hold them. You can detach these types of troops as garrisons, but they become regular infantry when do you do (in the boardgame, not sure what the computer version does). The total Corps capacity to hold these types of troops is an overall limit on how many may be raised for that particular national Army.

It would be nice to be able to put, say, a guards SP in garrison and have it retain its identity as a Guards SP when it next is placed into a Corps, but this would allow a power to build more Cavalry, Guards, and/or Artillery than could be placed in Corps unless code was added to check the overall strength of an Army by troop type.

It seems to me that the number and allowed composition of corps, including the overall limits on Cavalry, Guards, and Artillery reflect the military systems of the various empires and should not be changed without careful consideration. Only France and Russia have Artillery corps because of their use of massed artillery in their armies. France has more and larger corps because of the mass army that could be raised by the levee en masse, as opposed to the more traditional recruiting and training systems of the other powers. Great Britain can only raise a few Guard SP because of the role of the Guards as an elite cadre within the British Army - raising more Guards regiments would dilute the prestige of the officer cadres of the existing Guards regiments and would not be on...

I wouldn't mind having a editor to change things like that, but it's low on my priority list of updates that I'd like to see.

nappy -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/13/2007 11:36:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Marshall Ellis

How bout a warning message if you have no purchased corps in the eco phase that tells you what's coming up in the next quarter?

*thumbs up*


Murat -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 12:16:21 AM)



still murat, why should i download these turnsheets and print them out? why not include those into the game, they where afterall a part of the game and they actually made it way more simple to keep track of what was done, how much you had and when it was coming.

Well the game has a mechamism to provide you with this information. Maybe make this a suggestion to improve for a future patch but I think the current info (again 3d button from the left) is sufficient if people bother to use it. This post type (not yours but the starting thread - there are 3 of them) basically says 'I want my hand held throughout this entire game so I do not have to do any thinking.' If you want that, go play Europa Universalis (which by the way was a way better board game than the computer game it was converted into) and it's kin. This game requires effort which is why I think it has such a die hard, and small, following.

DodgyDave -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 1:38:12 AM)

Murat, the original game, have a A4 carton (hope that is spelled right) with info on two pages, front page top part, show reinforcement, second economic and manpower and last part corps and fleet strenghts, thats just 1 page and the A4 lets you keep track of your own nation along with 6 minor states!

in this game, i have to constantly click 3d button from the left, once or twice for my own nation and each minor, along with clicking on each minor corps to see what they got and then make sure there is enough money on each nation.

To me, it seems silly, that what was on 1 A4 page in the original game, have been spread out into 3 places and to find out your current reinforcent, you need to click each month, to see what is coming, thats just alot of work for what, keeping stuff hidden for you? lol

so yes, i suggest they make it simple and easier to get an overview off, like using the normal turn sheet as the original game had, instead of complicating things as they have done.

but its only a suggestion :)

Murat -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 1:51:54 AM)

Some people want to see EVERYONE'S A4, not just their own. I have no problem seeing your own, just a problem with people getting to see everyone else's, that would ruin the game in my mind.

DodgyDave -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 2:00:08 AM)

no no, not saying we should be able to see each others turnsheet :), but just find the economic phase longer then it should have been, because to get the right info, you now have to look at more places, i dont see this being better for the game.

i like most of this game as it is, but i loved the simple turn sheets, especially after trying being france in this game, so many minors at times to run, so keep making mistakes, so would prefer the simplier way to do that part of the turn.

so until they might add that into the game, then where can you download turn sheets, that is the same as in this game, as i note my boardgame turn sheets dont match the game setup?

Grognot -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 2:02:04 AM)

Given that it's a PC game, which makes even heavy FoW very possible (although brutal for an AI!), it might be interesting to experiment with heavier FoW (like not knowing even an up-to-date location of a corps).  It's a little weird knowing where all the corps are, even within the most remote areas of Russia, although coming up with suitable rules might be tricky. 

zaquex -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 2:03:32 AM)

It would be very useful and probably not to complicated to duplicate the reinforcement information on the "buy armies screen" and the "activate corp screen" and it would be great help. Its all about playability and i asume that matrix wants people to buy and play this game. I have no problem making notes while I play but would prefere to keep such activities to a minimum.

At this momement enhancements/fixes to the game needs to be prioritised based on how much they would improve the playability/quality of the game compared to how much time and effort it takes to create and iimplement the changes.

I know enough about programing to know that bug fixing and alteration of existent code is usualy more time consuming than actually writing it. So we need to cut the developers some slack, they cant fix everything at once.

Mynok -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 2:11:17 AM)


It would be nice to be able to put, say, a guards SP in garrison and have it retain its identity as a Guards SP when it next is placed into a Corps, but this would allow a power to build more Cavalry, Guards, and/or Artillery than could be placed in Corps unless code was added to check the overall strength of an Army by troop type.

Seems it would be easy enough to run a limit check when the unit purchase is attempted and keep the total strength points within the national limits without forcing the purchase of a corps to save them reverting to infantry.

DodgyDave -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 2:14:41 AM)

i am coming with suggestions, i never demand stuff, i see something i think would be more simple in the original way or alternate way, then i say so, if it gets added eventually depends on those who owns the game.

I like the game, but must say, looking forward to an increased AI, as the PBEM games are slow, so need to fight AI more :)

JavaJoe -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 2:44:06 AM)

I've always found the managing of the correct corps for the correct army type to be one of the fun things about EiA.

Having a nanny bot nudge you to not make a mistake kind of takes the fun out of it...no?

DodgyDave -> RE: Overwiew of my troops (12/14/2007 2:49:34 AM)

i am not asking for a nanny bot, i am asking to get the turn sheet of the regular game back, because they spread out the same info, to just make it harder to do economic phase, which i find silly :)

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