KG Erwin -> RE: The Mitchell Report & Baseball Sims (12/14/2007 1:38:01 AM)
Haven't read it, Al, but heard a report about it on Public Radio. The distinguished Senator is suggesting that past sins not be punished, but on a going-forward basis, MLB is really gonna have to police-up the players. This in itself might be controversial, but I'd agree with it. As for "normalizing" PS, fuhgeddabboudit. The records are what they are. Let's not forget that many players in the 60s and 70s indulged in recreational drugs, which is a different animal entirely. It'd be easy to adopt a hardcore attitude, but it plainly won't work. It will involve a baseball-cultural rethink, which will take time. The Players' Union, no doubt, will fight it every step of the way, as it will result in salaries being adjusted to reflect actual natural talent. The owners must also accept responsibility for their part in ignoring the problems. What it's gonna take is a really tough system-flushing. Let's not go overboard, though, and ban vitamins and herbal remedies and such. It's gotta be a specific policy, which already exists, does it not?