RolandRahn_MatrixForum -> Playtesters needed for US vs. nearly everybody in IOPG (12/25/2007 12:28:12 AM)
Hi! I am currently working on a small series of scenarios taking place in 2009/2010. The sceanrios are playable by blue only with IOPG EC2003. What I need is some feedback. Are they playable? As the Author, I know what to do. Can a player without prior knowledge play them? Hints for enhancemants? More/Less information in the scenario text? Some sceanrios have known issues - I would appreciate some hints how to fix them (if possible). Oh, and English is a second language for me, so a proof reading of the texts will produce some errors. To the scenarios themselves: Basic line: New US Administration pulls out of Iraq, but due to some new information it decides to conduct an air attack on Iran to destroy persumed nuclear weapons facilities - from this point on, *everything* goes wrong. Scenario 1: Massive US air and cruise missle attack against Iran. It looks like a shooting gallery, but be warned: You have only 12 hours time and so many targets so that you can't do everything with cruise missles - use air strikes wherever possible. Known problems: Minimum victory should happen after 30 destroyed bases. Actually, it happens after 15 destroyed bases (and I did not double, but triplecheck the victory conditions). Sceanrio 2: Iran has faked a nuclear detonation. Result is that the whole area is close to a revolution. The scenario concentrates on a small part of the overall picture; The player must protect two retreating US units in southern Iraq from being overrun. Sceanrio 3: The situation has furthermore escalated as a revolution has broken out in Pakistan. At the same time, the troops in Afghanistan must be evacuated while Uzbekistan and Tadchikistan refuse to allow US lines of communication. The player has to - Destroy a Pakistani complex north of Islamabad (supposedly Pakistanis nuclear weapons, but don't worry, they are not harmed and will appear in future scenarios) - Send many transport planes over Pakistan into Afghanistan (therefore, the Pakistani air defenses must be suppressed). Known problems: The victory condition that 80 or 100 transport planes must make it into Afghanistan. It wasn't triggered until I realised that planes onm the ground are not counted - so, the player has to launch all transport planes in Afghanistan at the same time in order to fire the victory conditions - any suggestions how to evade this? Remark: I made experiments with a convoy that would at the same time enter the gulf and would need support from the US carrier group that performs the air strikes against Pakistan, but I felt that this just didn't fit into the scenario, so I removed it. Scenario 4: The air strikes against Pakistan have been successful, but the whole region is upset about this. Nearly all US/UK troops have been evacuated from Afghanistan, but parts of the other troops weren't evacuated as the comand situation wasn't clear and some european goverments just discussed the issue of withdrawing the troops while the air bridge was executed. The evacuation of the troops from Iraq is also completed. Air force one has arrived in Abu Dhabi and is going to fly to Kuwait international. At the same time, in order to reassure the Kuwaitis, the carrier action group has entered the Gulf. Air Force one is going to fly to Kuwait international, wait one hour and fly back to Abu Dhabi or Diego Garcia. At the same time, two rescue operations are executed in Iraq; An F117-raid against SAM positions near Baghdad and an A10-raid against enemy tanks near Basra (where the hell do the rebels have tanks from?). No big business.... And an carrier action group to protect Air Force One for a small flight of 40 minutes or so - what could possibly go wrong? Known problems: - The victory condition that Air Force One reaches Kuwait: I had to make the on-station-rectangle relatively big as in several tests, Air force one just rushed through the rectangle and landed without triggering the condition. Now it triggers too early.... - The condition that Air Force One has to survive doesn't fire. Howeverer, the scenario is still playable as: Air Force One reaches Kuwait: Minor blue victory Air Force One is destroyed: Major red victory. So, the player has to land Air Force One in Kuwait *and* must prevent the destruction of Air Force One. Remarks: This is an experimental scenario. Red side uses nukes after 90 minutes - against itself. This opens the path for some future scenarios. Basic Idea for continuing the line (time permitting): 5th sceanrio: - US is accused of having used the nuclear weapons - Complete revolution in the area => US forces and Kuwaiti Navy/Air force must evacuate the Gulf. Later scenarios: Some european troops have been overrun in Afghantistan => Hostage crisis => Weapons against hostages deals => US F-22 vs. Eurofighter Typhoon.....just some wild ideas. Best regards and many thanks for any answers, Roland PS: I do *NOT* want to trigger a political flamewar here. These scenarios should just be fun to play, as the existing scenarios are also fun to play while they describe things like WWIII. Edit January 20th, 2008: Removed attachment - the actual version can be found in a later post in this thread.