Camile Desmoulins -> Improving the game (12/27/2007 9:21:23 AM)
The game is very good, but I think that could improve adding two changes: a) Fleets retreat: This is an authomatic process. I've probe it, with a combat in Area18, with three ports (Brest, Lorient and La Rochelle) to choose. I had Brest garrisoned with a french Corps, and La Rochelle with a little garrison (1I), Lorient empty. Best option Brest, worse option Lorient (although she has better harbor defence than La Rochelle). The french fleet retreat to Lorient. If I would made the movement in the french phase, the british could made a dissembark in Lorient and destroy her without losses. I think that the fleets has a role too much important in the game to allow sunk her for a authomatic retreat. Some things usually less important (f.e. bessiege combats) allow four possibilities to choose. You would have retreat possibilities for the fleets. b) Combined movement and sequence of play: Is an important part of the game. Alliance against a major power (f.e. France) need coordination, and in the board game you can change the sequence to play, for move in the last in the phase (7.1.2 in the board game original rules). Moving ever with the same sequence gives a huge adventage to the solitaire major power and you must have a big trust in your allies, because he can move in different way as you speak. In the original game you never lost the corps control, unless you loan the corps because a peace. I think that it would be a good improve, the possibility to change the sequence of play if you declare combinated movement