tweber -> Tutorial: Using Regime Varibles (1/2/2008 6:50:11 AM)
There are 3 types of variables in the editor: temporary variable, game variables, and regime variables. All have there uses. The following is a short tutorial of potential uses for regime variables. In general, regime variables are good for tracking the state of a regime. You could use them for constraints (oil and manpower), regime specific units, diplomatic states (like alliances), or other economic considerations (like foreign trade). In the World at War scenario, I use regime variables to track the manpower used by major powers, set up a regime specific unit for each of the major powers, and also increase the price of supply for Japan during the U.S. embargo. In the Axis and Allies scenario, I use regime variables to track research. To use regime variables, first go to settings - regime variables and define the regime variables you would like to use. Below is a picture of the regime variables used in the World at War scenario. The first couple deal with manpower constraints. [image]local://upfiles/25598/A8098580AC3644988294079D34B88164.jpg[/image]