game freeze...more common than advertised (Full Version)

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Lexlloyd -> game freeze...more common than advertised (1/4/2008 2:40:53 AM)

I downloaded Hornet Leader PC on 1/3/08. No patches appear on Matrix's website so I assume I have the latest version.

I'm currently in my first campaign (Libya-6 days) and the game has already frozen twice in the first five missions. One glitched mission was a freighter strike and the other was carrier defense. Several threads suggest that this problem is extremely rare but my experience indicates otherwise. I love this game but if this glitch continues at this rate it'll simply be unplayable.

Am I missing something?

StormcloudCreations -> RE: game freeze...more common than advertised (1/4/2008 4:14:29 AM)

We're public beta testing a 1.2 patch for registered users that fixes most freezes (especially ones at end of missions Day 4). The demo is based on older version 1.1 code.

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