campaign history a great idea. (Full Version)

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Lexlloyd -> campaign history a great idea. (1/4/2008 11:42:25 PM)

you might already be aware of this one...

I just finished the Syria campaign (a full war) but my campaign history describes it as a "skirmish". Difficulty level was "average". On the plus side, my 17 victory points received a "great" rating instead of the "adequate" that I deserved for a war.

Also, please add an "Undo Move" button to the game. Gamers with clumsy fingers or who stay up too late at night will love it!


Lexlloyd -> RE: campaign history a great idea. (1/5/2008 8:11:40 PM)

Nevermind! Found the patch that corrects this problem as well as many others.

But the "Undo Move" button would still be a great idea!

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