Syria2000 (Full Version)

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Lexlloyd -> Syria2000 (1/5/2008 8:58:28 AM)

First, a noob question: how do i make a screen-capture? The game won't let me right-click and save screen as an image while I'm playing.

So here are my hand-written results:

Campaign: Syria2000 (average difficulty)
War-11 days
VP: 30 (my first "great" rating at this difficulty level)
1 pilot lost (Wraith)
6 Promotions (Banzai, Eightball, Griffin, Bullseye, Fox, Big Red)

By the end I was riding my pilots pretty hard but I had conserved many special weapon points so I cake-walked a couple of late missions with those awesome stand-off weapons.

What a blast!

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