OP Fire Order (Full Version)

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reaper2100 -> OP Fire Order (9/16/2000 10:12:00 AM)

There seems to be some weirdness to the way that my units are selected for op fire. Enemy tank fires at Friendly tank G1 at 5 hexes. My Op fires come from Friendly tank B1 which is 12 hexes away, or my ATR E0 that is 8 hexes away! Tank G2 which is beside G1 and is suppose to be supporting G1 does nothing and is not given the opportunity to fire, neither is the 37mm ATG (H2) that is 4 hexes away and has aquired (last three shots) the enemy tank. I'm stilling compiling data, but it seems that the Op fire oportunities may be tied to the units position in the tree (i.e. B get to fire before C, etc) It this is so, this really unbalances the Op fire. Also, only two units at a time are available to conduct OP fire. If the unit declines, no other units are provided the opportunity. I think that any unit that has a line of sight to the enemy unit should be given a resonable opportunity to fire. I have no problem with limiting the number of units that can conduct op fire at a given time, but I think there should be better critera to determine which units should be selected to fire. [This message has been edited by reaper2100 (edited September 15, 2000).]

Paul Vebber -> (9/16/2000 10:19:00 AM)

OPfire is a function of experience - so if a unit has a higher experience but is at a longer range it may opfire when a closer unit may not. Unit position is not a factor. @ units per "opportunity" was considered appropriate - more and the defender tends to get too big an advantage. [This message has been edited by Paul Vebber (edited September 15, 2000).]

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