Jimmer -> Need confirmation on a rule (1/10/2008 12:07:38 AM)
Rule 9.2.2 "Naval Combat Resolution" says quote:
Each side receives a random number of between 1 and 6, adding one if a British fleet is present on that side, adding one for having 1.5 times more heavy ships than the other, subtracting one if a side consists solely of light ships and subtracting one if a Prussian and/or an Austrian fleet is present on that side (these modifiers may cancel each other if both are present in the same stack). The random number is compared to the Naval Combat Table and the result is the percentage of that side’s number of ships, which number of ships the other side must remove as losses. The naval combat table has these entries below it: quote:
Random Number Modifiers: +1: British fleet on the side +1: For having 1.5 times more heavy ships than the other -1: If a side consists solely of light ships -1: Austrian/Prussian fleet on the side In a tip for Great Britain, I reference combat where GB can get +2, +1 for her own ships and another +1 for having 1.5 times the number of heavy ships the other side has. Someone wrote a note to me saying that the maximum modifier is +1. However, in reading the rule, and looking at the chart, I don't see that there is a cap. There is a maximum on the table of 7, though, so this hints at it. Also, in the original boardgame rules, I believe there indeed was a cap at +1. However, since one could only have a single positive modifier (there were no "heavy" vs. "light" issues then), it didn't matter. It may have mattered for EiH, though, but I can't speak to that, having never played it. Can anybody confirm or deny whether there is a maximum modifier for the ship combat roll? NOTE: This is NOT about Wind Guage. This is strictly about the roll for kills. Thanks much!