2 Player Head to Head (Full Version)

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Ainsworth -> 2 Player Head to Head (1/12/2008 7:01:54 PM)

How do I get two players to play head to head?
You go I Go?

mbelew -> RE: 2 Player Head to Head (1/14/2008 5:14:18 PM)

Hi Ainsworth,

It's We Go. You plan your moves, press play, and wait for your opponent to plan their moves.



koiosworks -> RE: 2 Player Head to Head (1/17/2008 2:22:56 AM)

To be a little clearer, both players make their orders at the same time. After both press play then the turn phase plays out. The game goes a lot faster since both players make their orders at the same time (we-go)

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