Hello all, since this game is quite complex i want to ask 1 or the other question about supply mechanics. sorry for my english, ill try to be as precise as possible ;-) I read the manual several times yet the game mechanics are still a total blur for me. 1. Do cities count as depots? more precisely, are units inside a city hex automaticaly supplied? 2. Supply chain: depot is in area 1,does the next have to be in area 4 to have the supply chain or in 3? (the 2 hex radius) 3. Same supply chain as in question 2: enemy corps enters area 2 causes the supply chain to be blocked? 4. what is the use of force points u add to a depot?give it some kind of combat strength? 5. corps attacks an enemy depot and wins: depot captured or lost?
Thanks for now Regards Husard
Jimmi Magnus -> RE: Supply questions (1/22/2008 9:14:12 PM)
1: No (you use cities to start supply chains by placing a depot on a city hex) 2: 3 (one empty hex between) 3: Yes, supply is blocked from the depot in space 3 4: If the depot is attacked, the enemy has to fight them using the Trivial Combat method (both sides use 5-2 tables, no chits). If you have an army in the hex, they will also add their strength to the army, if the hex is attacked 5: Unsure, but I believe it is just lost