JCP -> RE: amphibious movement (5/29/2008 6:11:42 AM)
ORIGINAL: SMK-at-work The CP gets no choice about the Ottoman Empire :) I'd forgotten about that first turn restriction on the Brits tho - so yes, if it's T1, and Germany has not declared war on Belgium then there's no amphibious transport for het Brits - this simulates the Brits joining the war in response to the violation of Belgian neutrality - if that doesn't happen they hold off for a turn. <The CP gets no choice about the Ottoman Empire :) Actually, not strictly true. CP can declare war on the OE in August 1914. If they do so, an do not declare war on Belgium, then the amphibious restriction on the Brits stays in force, at least into Sept-Oct (I just tried this out). If this is a permanent feature, then it looks like a valid strategic choice. Make an enemy of OE (might give the Bulgarians a bit of a hard time) in exchange for keeping the Brits cooped up in England. A straight France v Germany fight would be interesting; Germany would be the favourite, but TE could supply Russia through Constantinople from 1914. Not immediately clear in my mind what the outcome would be. I don't know if you can use French transports to amphib British corps in this situation. I've always assumed that the "no amphib un till Belgium O/E is in" rule simulates the fact that Britain might not have entered when it did if Germany had not invaded Belgium. It would seem more sensible for thsi to be simulated by having Britain not to start at war, but to join when influenced to do so (like Italy) or automatically triggered by the entry of Belgium or OE.