Soapy Frog -> BUG: Land phase repeating itself (1/26/2008 7:33:00 PM)
Ok Bad bug just happened to us in our PBEM game. Spain is AI, GB is being forced AI by host as he is away for a few days. April 1805 Land Phase, a few combats everything seems to be going smoothly. Then GB and Spain AI play their phases and suddenly we are back on France Land Combat (he had moved first). Seems it was because of an assault attempt that GB made that required France to decide to sortie... but this seems suspiciously out of sequence, and moreover I thought the AI was supposed to handle that? So fine France plays his Land Combat and the phase passes to .... Russia Land Movement!!! Out of curiosity Russia hits end phase and the phase passes onto , Turkey Land Movement! The Land phase is repeating itself for April. Are we stuck? How do we fix this?