Need to re-get registration code (Full Version)

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Muzzie -> Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 6:44:20 PM)

I'm wondering if there is a way to access my registration code? Shawn?
I purchased 2007 a while ago, but unfortunately my HD decided to melt down and with it went the info I had saved on there, including my registration code.

Is there any way to access this?


You can e-mail me at if possible.

Wrathchild -> RE: Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 6:51:02 PM)

Supposedly you can get it from Matrix, but no matter how many times i use their tool for requesting serial numbers for any of my games, I NEVER get an email. Maybe you'll have better luck.

cdvalenta -> RE: Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 7:41:37 PM)

I have requested several of my serial numbers from Matrix a few times and never had a problem. Maybe check the spam folders if an email doesn't show up.

Wrathchild -> RE: Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 7:46:05 PM)

I check every email I receive, spam and all, as a regular habit. It used to work for me, but it doesn't any more. I just don't get those emails, assuming they are being sent. Would you get one if you requested right now?

Muzzie -> RE: Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 8:02:27 PM)

Where do you go to even try and get that e-mail? I looked around, but didn't find it.

Wrathchild -> RE: Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 8:05:53 PM)

It's under the Members section at the top of the page.

Muzzie -> RE: Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 10:52:54 PM)

Well I'm having the same problem. I keep trying to get my update, it tells me my password is wrong. I keep sending for a new password and nothing actually gets sent. Anyone having a similar problem? Anyone know what to do with/about it?

Wrathchild -> RE: Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 10:57:02 PM)

You could try emailing, but it usually takes them a few days to get back to you. And even then they haven't fixed my inability to retrieve my serial numbers. It's crazy to offer that option but not to support it.

cdvalenta -> RE: Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 11:17:15 PM)

Okay - I tried to get them sent right now and recieved nothing.

In the past I've requested them and literally a minute later they were in my mail box.

If I do end up getting them I'll let you know but it seems something is up with their tool.

Wrathchild -> RE: Need to re-get registration code (1/28/2008 11:24:08 PM)

Right. That's how it used to work. When I brought this up to them in November or December, they sent an email saying it should be working now, basically admitting there was something wrong with it. But it never was working again. And now I can't even get a response from support. I've been very fond of Matrix but if it's just take my $$$ and don't give any customer support, then I won't be buying any more products sold by them.

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