Herode_2 -> RE: what does the color square and bar mean? (2/23/2008 12:17:48 PM)
Ho, strategic transfer is very easy : - click on the unit you want to transfer - click on the Strategic Transfer button or press the 'S' key - select the HQ that will provide landcap - click on the green checked button or press the 'space' key - select the transfer mode if relevant - select the hex you want your unit to reach. - look at the very bottom of your screen, under the landcap / navalcap lines : if the screen displays a text claiming "Impossible", then guess what ? It is impossible ! [:-] If you ever have to face such an evil fate, you must try to find an hex closer to the above selected HQ. Please note that Strategic Transfer may be impossible at all if the selected HQ has not enough landcap. If, in the other hand, the screen kindly displays the beloved "Do stragegic transfer" button, then just click on this button and it's done. Wasn't it obvious ? [:D]