Strange air unit (Full Version)

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IRONCROM -> Strange air unit (2/18/2008 1:05:44 AM)

Hi Vic,

I spotted this air formation with 8 fighters in my WAW game. When I attack it nothing shows up on battle screen. But if you look at unit after attack it does take losses.
The really strange thing is that the fighters are not on a city or airfield.
I have a save game for you if you would like to check it out. I,m using the public beta V1.11


Vic -> RE: Strange air unit (2/18/2008 10:09:49 AM)

hi IRON,

sure send me the savefile to and tell me which hex you attacked.

kind regards,

Vic -> RE: Strange air unit (2/19/2008 10:31:08 AM)

actually the formation is NOT taking any losses, but your recon on the hex is improving while you attack.

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