RooseBolton -> PBEM problem (2/21/2008 5:56:10 PM)
Ok, I was just doing this as a test between me and a buddy to test how the PBEM goes. France (Me) as emailhost England (friend) as emailclient the rest AI 1) I type in our email address for france and england (although its a "box" not a "@" symbol on the it supposed to look like that) 2) CLick Host email game 3) It says "enter game name", I do so a proceed 4) France Set-up....i set up all of France and Holland 5) Then i click end phase like it says in the manual 6) NOW it wants me to set up England, SHOULDNT the game stop, since england is listed as a client and france host. this normal for PBEM..should i just end the game and email the file. 7) also i cant find any PBEM files under "Commin"...but they are in the "saves" file, why is this happening What if anything i am i doing wrong ..or is the game doing something wrong.....or is this really wow it works. Shouldnt there be passwords for each country? (OK...i realized the files where in Commout file, not thats my bad...but what about the england setup thing??