Elouda -> New Player looking for Opponent - CHS 157 or 159 (2/23/2008 2:31:08 PM)
Hello, I'm a new player who has spent the last month or so trying to get a handle on how this game works by playing the AI. However, I feel that its time to try my hand against an opponent that can actually think. I would like to play the CHS 157/159. I do not mind if you are a new player like me or a veteran, chances are I'll get picked apart anyway. Any advice people could give while they proceed to do that though, would be most welcome. I would be willing to play either side, though if given a choice I would prefer Allies, simply as I still have some trouble keeping the Japanese industry running smoothly. (Curse the desire to accelerate every CV on the list...) As far as House rules and games settings go, I'm very open as to what people would like, but as basic guidelines; -Turn Cycle : 1 Day -Advanced Weather : On -Reinforcements : Variable (+/- 15 or +/- 60, Negociable) -Sub Doctrines : On -Auto Sub Ops : Off -Allied DC : On -Historic Start : On or Off, either is fine -Vary Set Up: On or Off, either is fine -December 7th Surprise : On -If Non-Historic Start, Japanese can strike at 1 port on Turn 1 -ASW TFs limited to 6 ships -No Sub Commando Raids -Landings only on base or dot hexes -No 4E Naval bombing under 10k feet -Stacking limits as follows; Aircraft : 50 Engines x AF Size - 20 Engines x AF Size for Atolls Troops : 50,000 for Island Hexes - 20,000 for Atolls (Attacker may land twice this number, reduce to limit within 2 weeks of capture) -LCUs under Kwangtung Command must pay PPs to transfer to another command before leaving Manchuria These are all of course debatable, so if you feel we would be better off with some variation of these, then by all means please let me know. I hope than any game will be playing in good spirits and that we can resolve any issues that do arise through email. Thank you, I look forward to your responses. Edit - Forgot to add that I would like to aim for a day/turn, more if possible. Would be grateful if people would notify me when they know beforehand they wont be able to keep the pace up because of reallife issues, and I will do likewise.