Karri -> RE: Bring Silvanski here... (3/23/2008 5:45:42 PM)
Well, I'm on turn 12 right now...and it seems like the AI won't have a change again. Majority of action on the eastern front thus far. The russkies are losing about 10-20 times more men per attack there(I lose a division of 200 squads, the russkies lose 2000 squads), due to the way the units are designed, against left behind units...I pretty much abandoned the whole eastern front and withdrew to a line, now 2-4 units deep, running from Latvia to Crimea. The only way for russkies to pierce this line is through attrition(and even then I should be able to counter-attack). Of course I might be wrong, since the russkies haven't attacked the line yet...they haven't reached it on strenght yet(despite the only resistance being a few left behind divisions). In Turkey I withdrew to a line running along the railline from black sea to mediterrainean(through ankara, from NW to SE)...the americans landed 9 units there, about corps or two in strenght. They were destroyed...we'll see if anything else happens. In Spain the allies landed, I moved a few units but then decided it was not worth the effort to do anything there...and now the allies have been fighting 10 turns against enemy that hasn't done a thing. It'll take 10-20 turns before they reach the french-spanish border. The allies landed in Sicily, I will probaply withdraw to italian mainland. On turn 10(I think) the allies landed in normandy. Way too late as I already had 5 panzer divisions there which had no difficulties forcing the allies back to the sea...