Jimmer -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 6:27:20 PM)
OK, for this one, you might have to refer back to the post I did last night about Egypt, and, for that one, to the previous post, for game save files. I've attached the save files from two phases: Land and then the following diplomacy, for August. The situation is that Turkey DOWed Egypt in January. I had the (full) Egypt I corps hide in Cairo and a smaller Egypt II corps hide in Damietta. One more factor was in Alexandria. This is my standard setup when I don't want to lose any PP. Later, I moved the small corps from Damietta east one space, to block Turkish supply. Sometime between January and June, the Egypt I corps managed to get to the point where it was confused as to whether it was in the field or inside Cairo. In fact, I could move out of the city graphically, but couldn't go back in (after discovering this, I went back to a saved game). Anyhow, the Turkish corps, foraging and besieging for 6 months, eventually dying completely in July. So, in July I am happy to applaud "my superior intellect" (Khan, Star Trek II), but then in August I find that Egypt has been conquered by Turkey. There are no notes in the log other than that Turkey conquered it. I suppose this is payback for not having had him make a break-in roll for 4-5 months, but both of those concepts are bugs, even if they "cancel out".