RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (Full Version)

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Thresh -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 6:15:46 AM)

Minor Countries not doubling Manpower when made a free State.

I hadn't noticed it earlier, but I recently made Naples a Free state. It's money and manpower have not doubled, and neither have the money and manpower of my other free nation state, Baden.

Save file is attached.


ndrose -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 8:16:18 AM)

The province information down at the bottom always shows the original values. But the pop-up box for the free state shows the doubled values. In your savefile, the manpower values are doubled correctly, and it looks as if (judging by the funds available) the money is being correctly doubled also. E.g., Baden goes from 2/1 to 4/2.

However, the income is not displayed correctly in the pop-up box. It's credited correctly so far as I can tell, but the values in the box are all multiplied by 10! (E.g., Baden income shows as 40.) I've noticed this in my 1.02 game also.

There seems to be one exception in your file: Naples, which is originally 5/3, should be doubled to 10/6. But the income in your game for Naples is showing as not 5, not 10, not even 100, but 103. It looks like it's actually giving you 10, though, which is correct.

But the display should be fixed (something for patch 1.02b).


Jimmer -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 9:23:00 AM)

I kind of thought I wasn't going completely crazy. :)

Well, I found that the problem also exists in another game, this time as GB. Can't go east unless I go west. Claims it's too complicated. One hop: too complicated.

Anyhow, the depot problem seems to be in more places, too. In this game, I'm GB attacking Sardinia from Corsica. I conquered Corsica last turn, so the depot there is in supply, even without fleets.

In Sardinia, I built a depot to pay for my corps counters' supply. As you can see, though, it isn't working. The status line says "[Depot]None", and that's the way it is being played, too. I will have to forage on the 5 table to survive the turn.

Jimmer -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 9:28:15 AM)

While you are at it, in that same game file, play around with the Egyptian corps in Cairo. Or, at least, it WAS in Cairo. I think now it's halfway between being in the city and besieging it. Hit the "move into or out of..." button, and it will do it. Not fight, just move.

Furthermore, I can't fight a battle trying to break out, and the other corps can't lift the siege (possibly because there isn't one).

Grognot -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 11:08:45 AM)

(Note: game was started in 1.01 beta, now on 1.02 beta)

Great Britain turned Denmark into a free state. The odd bit is -- why is the Danish fleet blockading the British fleets?

Grognot -> Strange AI surrender logic (3/15/2008 11:11:28 AM)

(Note: game was started in 1.01 beta, now on 1.02 beta)

Austria and Prussia were both at war with (AI) Spain. Austria occupied Madrid; Prussia remained outside. Both had substantial forces in Spain. The Prussians have not yet actually engaged the Spanish forces in major field battles.

It seems slightly dubious that Spain would surrender unconditionally to Prussia, but not Austria. Possibly not bug, but perhaps worth looking into.

Grognot -> Addn'l observations (3/15/2008 11:23:27 AM)

Addn'l observations re: Austria/Prussia game:

As Prussia, I can see all the Spanish guerrilla forces -- movement points, number of militia factors actually inside, morale. I can also see all the Russian corps' movement points allowed, but not their composition. Ditto for GB. I cannot see movement points for Austria or Turkey.

Denmark (Prussian-controlled) lists Portugal (Russian-controlled) among its wars, as well as various Prussian free states. Prussia and Russia aren't at war.

Moroccan income shows up as $61 / 4 MP.
Algerian as $00 (two zeroes!) / 0 MP
Denmark as $62 / 4 MP

Not strict 10x. Normal in a few places. Portugal shows up as $6 / 4 MP.

Grognot -> RE: Addn'l observations (3/15/2008 11:26:40 AM)

Click on the Ottoman Empire and note the nation information -- it claims 460 income/48 manpower. It might be just a display error, because I only received $46, not $460. I'll have to wait until March to see it gets 10x the amount it actually should.

Note -- I clicked a bit on others, including the full CoTR in a PR/RU game also updated to 1.02, and didn't see the 10x elsewhere. *shrug* Weird.

Grognot -> RE: Addn'l observations (3/15/2008 11:30:29 AM)

Incidentally, that Spain/Turkish game in my last post also shows Austria still at war with the individual components of the Ottoman Empire.  A formal peace had been made when Austria unconditionally surrendered.

Thresh -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 4:13:18 PM)

Thanks, I hadn;t realized had changed the manpower and money values for some Nations as much as they have...



ORIGINAL: ndrose

The province information down at the bottom always shows the original values. But the pop-up box for the free state shows the doubled values. In your savefile, the manpower values are doubled correctly, and it looks as if (judging by the funds available) the money is being correctly doubled also. E.g., Baden goes from 2/1 to 4/2.

However, the income is not displayed correctly in the pop-up box. It's credited correctly so far as I can tell, but the values in the box are all multiplied by 10! (E.g., Baden income shows as 40.) I've noticed this in my 1.02 game also.

There seems to be one exception in your file: Naples, which is originally 5/3, should be doubled to 10/6. But the income in your game for Naples is showing as not 5, not 10, not even 100, but 103. It looks like it's actually giving you 10, though, which is correct.

But the display should be fixed (something for patch 1.02b).


Monadman -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 5:25:28 PM)



(Note: game was started in 1.01 beta, now on 1.02 beta)

Great Britain turned Denmark into a free state. The odd bit is -- why is the Danish fleet blockading the British fleets?


Not sure about 1.02 on a 1.01b PBEM game with AI opponents, as you may be experiencing compounding problems where the culprit no longer exists in a game started 1.02. That’s why I suggested you start a new game using 1.02.



Monadman -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 5:35:34 PM)



Thanks, I hadn;t realized had changed the manpower and money values for some Nations as much as they have...



ORIGINAL: ndrose

The province information down at the bottom always shows the original values. But the pop-up box for the free state shows the doubled values. In your savefile, the manpower values are doubled correctly, and it looks as if (judging by the funds available) the money is being correctly doubled also. E.g., Baden goes from 2/1 to 4/2.

However, the income is not displayed correctly in the pop-up box. It's credited correctly so far as I can tell, but the values in the box are all multiplied by 10! (E.g., Baden income shows as 40.) I've noticed this in my 1.02 game also.

There seems to be one exception in your file: Naples, which is originally 5/3, should be doubled to 10/6. But the income in your game for Naples is showing as not 5, not 10, not even 100, but 103. It looks like it's actually giving you 10, though, which is correct.

But the display should be fixed (something for patch 1.02b).



We knew about this one but it unfortunately did not get addressed before the 1.02 patch went out. For whatever reason the program displays an extra number at the end but the code calculations are not affected (e.g. in Egypt, it will show up as 122 instead of 12 but $12 is collected). I’ll add it to the list now.



Monadman -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 5:44:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: ndrose

Huh, that's strange. I installed the patch today, and thought I had looked at Jimmer's files with 1.02, but either I was using 1.01 or there's some random variation in behavior, because now I'm seeing the same problem he reports.

Actually, even when you first build the depot and are sitting right on it, you're out of supply.

I was able to move to the space to the east of Sveaborg, but only by moving west first, then two spaces east. Not only that, but if you move back east one space at a time, so that you click back in Sveaborg then try to go east, the game won't let you. But you can hop over it from the space to the west. Which is...odd.



Yes, it can be quite a nuisance to see a function that worked suddenly show up broken and very frustrating when this cycle repeats itself ad nauseam, with hundreds of functions.

What a beta tester caught, say 2 years ago, could have very well been broken and fixed any number of times since then.


Jimmer -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 6:27:20 PM)

OK, for this one, you might have to refer back to the post I did last night about Egypt, and, for that one, to the previous post, for game save files.

I've attached the save files from two phases: Land and then the following diplomacy, for August.

The situation is that Turkey DOWed Egypt in January. I had the (full) Egypt I corps hide in Cairo and a smaller Egypt II corps hide in Damietta. One more factor was in Alexandria. This is my standard setup when I don't want to lose any PP. Later, I moved the small corps from Damietta east one space, to block Turkish supply.

Sometime between January and June, the Egypt I corps managed to get to the point where it was confused as to whether it was in the field or inside Cairo. In fact, I could move out of the city graphically, but couldn't go back in (after discovering this, I went back to a saved game).

Anyhow, the Turkish corps, foraging and besieging for 6 months, eventually dying completely in July.

So, in July I am happy to applaud "my superior intellect" (Khan, Star Trek II), but then in August I find that Egypt has been conquered by Turkey. There are no notes in the log other than that Turkey conquered it. I suppose this is payback for not having had him make a break-in roll for 4-5 months, but both of those concepts are bugs, even if they "cancel out".

Dave_T -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 6:59:53 PM)

New game started using new "patch".

France gains control of Sweden.

Jan: Swedish corps lans in Dublin and Glagow.

Feb: Swedish corps in Dublin attempts to move to Belfast, adjacent area, error report: *complicated path! Try a smaller number of areas"

Similar problem occurs with Egypt: area 510>517 (adjacent) "too complicated".

Long story short, "patch" makes game worse. VFM for my £35 spent seems a long way distant.

Dave_T -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 7:15:38 PM)

And there's more.

Jan: Fr break blockade in Marsielles, GB fleet retreats to Gb, France blockades Gib.

Feb: Fr fleet blockading Gib moves to channel, GB fleet in Channel intercepts, Fr win. GB retreats to nearest port: Gibraltar[&:]

Feb (cont): Fr & Sw fleets combined continue to break blockade of Amsterdam & win. GB fleets retreat to Gib[sm=sign0003.gif]

Why not London? Or is that too complicated?

Dave_T -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 7:30:38 PM)

Frustration continues:

April: GB surrenders unconditionally to Fr. Fr takes Scotland, Ireland & Malta as territory (would have been Wales if the dumb Swedes had figured out how to get there from Glasge). 1i Swedish Garrison in Dublin vanishes. Not repatriated to either Sweden of France, just removed.

Rearrange these words into the sentence I'm thinking.

This installed patch wish i'd never.

Monadman -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 7:36:08 PM)


We have a few more broken functions with this beta patch (1.02). Pushing to get these issues addressed and hopefully a quick patch can be uploaded but it may be a couple until it is, as Marshall is on the road. Hang on.


Dave_T -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 8:19:37 PM)

May: Fr DoWs Sardinia & Gibraltar (went neutral at last peace).

Fr Corps moves from Ajjacio>Cagliari - can't supply from depot in Ajjacio (2 areas away). Dutch corps lands in Gib as amphibous assault.

June: Fr corps Cagliari moved back to Ajjacio and Dutch corps moved back to Bayonne in Diplo phase, even though both Gib & Sardinia both are still at war with France.

Maybe the AI is just being a sore loser because it can't count to 1.

One hopes you're going to patch this patch quicker than Roger Clemens can sell his wife out.

<edit> Just figured this one out. Because I'd just forced GB to peace I'm given 3 months to leave GB territory. I DoW the minors, GB gains control, I move in and then, in the next diplo phase, the 3 months voluntary access expires and all my forces in GB controlled territory (including the ones I have a seperate war with) are repatriated.[sm=sign0003.gif]

WJPalmer1 -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/15/2008 10:23:19 PM)

Outside Corps Replaces Ousted Garrison

This seems anomalous if not an outright bug.

The Situation: A single British corps lands at Algiers and vanquishes the 5i Algerian garrison. Following combat, the Brits create their own garrison of 1i and leave their corps inside the city walls. The Algerian corps of 5c (Turkey control) which setup 2 areas away then moves to the city with the intent of besieging the British corps inside. Hitting the “Move Unit INTO or OUT OF city” button, however, puts the Algerian corps in the position of the original garrison i.e. in the “Units in City” (AC) area. The British (both corps & garrison) are now in the “Besieging Units - City” (EC) area. We haven’t played beyond this point, but I assume the British will now be obligated to repeat their assault on Algiers to gain a breach and get at the newly arriving Algerians.

Bearcat2 -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/16/2008 4:27:13 PM)

France vs Ai in 1.02
France formed the conf of Rhine- Bavaria was already a FS /w corp on board before becoming part of the CoR.
4 Fr corps and 2 CoR corps attack Vienna defended by 4 Aus corps
Combat phase - no attack allowed and the Fr corps are moved by AI to Bavaria, the CoR corps remain in Vienna w/ the Aus Corps, but no combat takes place.
I have tried 2 other attacks with Fr/CoR combined troops in other areas with the same result.
Anyone else having this problem?

I have the same problems with Britian/Sweden- the common denominator is free states acquired thru DoW, and then trying to use those corps against any other major power. You either get no combat or they wont move into enemy territory- get a invalid path message, even if starting adjacent.

Dave_T -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/16/2008 5:02:39 PM)

After starting again and trying a work around where I don't DoW on minors which may beome controlled by someone with whom I've made peace in the last 3 months I find the following:

After GB sues Fr for peace in Apr 1805 the GB fleets are still blockading French ports, although they do not intercept the fleets which leave, and a GB corps has, for some reason, moved to Le Havre even though no access is in place.

It would appear that GB is still trying to fight the war during the limited access phase.[sm=sign0003.gif]

Are any of the game designers, perchance, related to Carl Pavano?

Dave_T -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/16/2008 5:47:26 PM)

After occupying Berlin for 2 Eco phases and beating the snot out of every corps Prussia placed to gain PPs aplenty, Prussia finally capitulates.

After taking Pommerania, West Prussia and Posen as territories I find I can't place garrisons in there, I assume this is again due to the 3 month rule and the game still treating the provinces as Prussian.

Tater -> Conq Ruski territory won't allow garrisons or corp in cities (3/16/2008 9:33:44 PM)

Playing a game as Turkey (post 1.02). Got an unconditional from Russia. Took territory as one of the picks and grabed 3 Russian home nation provinces. Now the game will not allow me to garrison any of the cities in those controled provinces. It gives me the money and lists Turkey as having control...but I can not creat garrisons nor enter the cities with any corp. This continues even after the 3 months access.

File attached...(updated file)

Tater -> RE: Conq Ruski territory won't allow garrisons or corp in cities (3/16/2008 10:20:19 PM)

Another bug...

Same game (as Turkey). DoW on Naples (French control; Turk and Fra not allied)...invade...move on capital during land phase. Hit the button to end land phase expecting to see the combat phase box pop-up...NOT.

Instead I go directly to the next Turkey Dip phase. I check the map for Naples. My Turk-Jan corp has been repatriated. However, the Otto-Alg corp was not repatriated. It is still sitting in Naples. I check the status chart and sure enough it shows Turkey at war with Naples.

File attached...(updated file)

Monadman -> RE: Conq Ruski territory won't allow garrisons or corp in cities (3/16/2008 10:43:41 PM)



Playing a game as Turkey (post 1.02). Got an unconditional from Russia. Took territory as one of the picks and grabed 3 Russian home nation provinces. Now the game will not allow me to garrison any of the cities in those controled provinces. It gives me the money and lists Turkey as having control...but I can not creat garrisons nor enter the cities with any corp. This continues even after the 3 months access.

File attached...


Also need the DAT file for that game too. You only uploaded the SAV file. Thanks


Jimmer -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/16/2008 10:44:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Monadman


We have a few more broken functions with this beta patch (1.02). Pushing to get these issues addressed and hopefully a quick patch can be uploaded but it may be a couple until it is, as Marshall is on the road. Hang on.


No problem. I fully understand the meaning of "beta" and "patch", and especially what it means to have both in the same phrase. :) But, I'm going to keep reporting unique errors, simply so they all get identified (not necessarily fixed -- some may take some time).

Jimmer -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/16/2008 10:48:07 PM)



<edit> Just figured this one out. Because I'd just forced GB to peace I'm given 3 months to leave GB territory. I DoW the minors, GB gains control, I move in and then, in the next diplo phase, the 3 months voluntary access expires and all my forces in GB controlled territory (including the ones I have a seperate war with) are repatriated.[sm=sign0003.gif]

Matrix guys: You could consider changing something about the counters to signify if they are in their 3-month window, sort of like the red, purple, and yellow borders.

Another thing you could do (instead?) is, when the corps gets clicked, in the corps information area changes background color (from black to white would be the most obvious, but there might be other, better, choices).

Jimmer -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/16/2008 10:50:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: exp101

Outside Corps Replaces Ousted Garrison

This seems anomalous if not an outright bug.

The Situation: A single British corps lands at Algiers and vanquishes the 5i Algerian garrison. Following combat, the Brits create their own garrison of 1i and leave their corps inside the city walls. The Algerian corps of 5c (Turkey control) which setup 2 areas away then moves to the city with the intent of besieging the British corps inside. Hitting the “Move Unit INTO or OUT OF city” button, however, puts the Algerian corps in the position of the original garrison i.e. in the “Units in City” (AC) area. The British (both corps & garrison) are now in the “Besieging Units - City” (EC) area. We haven’t played beyond this point, but I assume the British will now be obligated to repeat their assault on Algiers to gain a breach and get at the newly arriving Algerians.

Do you have the latest patch? This sounds like one of the things they fixed.

ndrose -> RE: Reporting bugs (post v.1.02) (3/17/2008 12:09:30 AM)

Do you want us to report each instance we come across of the movement bug where you can't go from one area to the adjacent one?

In other words, is this a single problem, or something that needs to be identified and corrected for each place on the map where it occurs?


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